It seems like I’ve gummed up my connection to the Rak4631 (2.5.18). Cable and BT works. I get telemetry, but I can’t make any changes to the radio configuration. It doesn’t move past 0% with Reboots on both. Connected via serial. I downloaded the reset file via serial. Downloaded the latest firmware. It keeps on bringing up the old profile
The messages says.Loading… If someone could direct me to a how-to that would be great.
Debug log works.i can see the 9s
Pixel 7 Pro BP22.250103.008
I was testing configurations
Right before I changed hop_limit: 999999999
We are not developing or maintaining the Meshtastic firmware. I can’t help you with this problem, please contact Meshtastic directly.
If the Meshtastic factory reset firmware does not work as expected, I usually flash my “WisBlock Hardware Test” firmware (not Meshtastic based). That gives me a “real” factory reset, as it wipes all Meshtastic settings from flash.