RK 2247: CRC Bad Packets and no LiveLora Frames

Hi there…
my actual config:

Raspberry 3 B+ / Rak 2247 USB with USB Bridge
OS :RAK2247&RAK833-USB_based_on_Raspbian_OS_for_RPI3_V4.1.0_20191202.zip

if i use the util :


i capture some Fames:

"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:54:49.600Z”, 262148268, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-119,-12.0,"6865697E-FC04468C-13C4"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:54:52.097Z”, 264646132, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-115,-12.5,"6865697E-BC44468C-13F7"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:54:54.596Z”, 267144188, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-117,-12.5,"68656C7E-B804768F-92F7"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:54:57.092Z”, 269642172, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-117,-11.8,"68656C7E-B84446EC-97F7"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:54:59.594Z”, 272140068, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-117,-12.8,"F8656C6E-F95116EF-9FF1"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:55:07.087Z”, 279634100, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-115,-11.8,"6865687E-B84416EF-07F4"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:55:09.586Z”, 282132092, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-117,-11.5,"6865687E-F80446EF-16F4"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:55:14.582Z”, 287128084, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-119,-12.2,"6865687E-B804768C-13C4"
"B827EBFFFE1D4B80","",“2020-01-02 21:55:17.077Z”, 289625940, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 10,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-115,-12.5,"6865687E-FC447625-99F4"

… but only with CRC_BAD

if i connected to TTN i see no
Frames from the Device…

i change the Gateway ID from “00000000000000” to :

 " gateway_conf": {      **
            "gateway_ID": "B827EBFFFE1D4B80",**

but nothing happens…
if i use chirpstack… the same… no lora live frames…
only here with the logger… and bad packets…
is the Card defective ?

here the Startup from the Logger:

**root@rak-gateway:/opt/ttn-gateway/lora_gateway/util_pkt_logger# ./util_pkt_logger **
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, trying to parse it
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf, parsing SX1301 parameters
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: lorawan_public 1, clksrc 1
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: radio 0 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 867500000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 0, tx_notch_freq 0
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: radio 1 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 868500000, RSSI offset -166.000000, tx enabled 0, tx_notch_freq 0
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 0 enabled, radio 1 selected, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 1 enabled, radio 1 selected, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 2 enabled, radio 1 selected, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 3 enabled, radio 0 selected, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 4 enabled, radio 0 selected, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 5 enabled, radio 0 selected, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 6 enabled, radio 0 selected, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa multi-SF channel 7 enabled, radio 0 selected, IF 400000 Hz, 125 kHz bandwidth, SF 7 to 12
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: LoRa standard channel enabled, radio 1 selected, IF -200000 Hz, 250000 Hz bandwidth, SF 7
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: FSK channel enabled, radio 1 selected, IF 300000 Hz, 125000 Hz bandwidth, 50000 bps datarate
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to B827EBFFFE1D4B80
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: found local configuration file local_conf.json, trying to parse it
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: local_conf.json does not contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: local_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to B827EBFFFE1D4B80
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: concentrator started, packet can now be received
loragw_pkt_logger: INFO: Now writing to log file pktlog_B827EBFFFE1D4B80_20200102T215030Z.csv

have you some suggestions ?



me again, have you a solution for me ?

…i modified the global_conf.json but nothing happens… same error…

i drive with the Raspi and the Concentrator in a bigger City…
util_pkt_logger catch a lot of frames but all CRC_BAD

…what i doing wrong?


If you want to change the gateway_id of the gateway, you need to change it in the file /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/local_conf.json.

Is there any more detailed information about CRC_BAD?

The gateway defaults to the frequency band of EU868.
Does your gateway have an antenna?
How far is your node from the gateway?
Have you tried using other nodes?

Hi ZhuQi

Thanks for Reply…

  1. EU 868 Mhz“SX1301_conf”: {
    “lorawan_public”: true,
    “clksrc”: 1,
    “antenna_gain”: 0,
    “radio_0”: {
    “enable”: true,
    “type”: “SX1257”,
    “freq”: 867500000,
    “rssi_offset”: -166.0,
    “tx_enable”: true,
    “tx_freq_min”: 863000000,
    “tx_freq_max”: 870000000
  2. Yes i connect an Antenna
  3. Yes My node is 2m far (Heltec Lora ESP Modul) sending packets every second.
  4. Im drivin around near my home location i can receive many packets
    but them bad like this:

“”,“2020-01-03 14:24:10.357Z”, 102552108, 868100000,1, 0,“CRC_BAD”, 8,“LORA”,125000,“SF11” ,“4/5”,-83, -2.5,“68654C4B-F1D6735D”

…i dont no what i do wrong… :-/

Do you have any other gateways or nodes?
If you have other gateways or nodes, you can do a comparison test.

Can you take a picture of your rak2247 when you use it?

Hmmm… Power Supply is Raspi PI 2.5 A …

Which possibilties have i to check out this error …

hmm… is this the right carrier board ?

No sorry, i have no other nodes. I buy an another model from an other manufacturer… to compare with this one…

… actually I wanted to use the module in a MiniPCIe slot in an ITX MainBoard, unfortunately no function.

Then I had read somewhere else that you can
should set the reset PIN 22 to Ground,
to get the card to work.

(then you do not need to buy the USB Carrier Board)

Never mind. It didn’t really work out. So I just…
bought the Carrier Board and in the meantime I get
parcels but unfortunately faulty…
I think it’s misconfigured…

Got the image of you directly onto an SD card
flashed am I forgetting anything here?

I can’t get a single LoraFrame on the web interface…
but packets arrive, which is visible in the tool.

You can see its actual frequency on the back of rak2247.

If it is all CRC_BAD, you can contact the after-sales replacement rak2247.

ok, ill send it back :slight_smile:

I buy another RAK 2247 Device directly from RAK.

It works :slight_smile: