RUI3 application hex binary from .ino


I have an App developed using RUI3 and Arduino IDE that has seen success in PoC and field tests. Now we are on the phase of mass producing the PCB using the RAK11720 and we’re wondering if there’s a way to have the .hex file corresponding to our .ino app to do mass programming using RAKDAP or Jlink to the RAK11720.

The arduino is not an option because the time it takes and because we would like to approach the mass programming using bash scripts and in-line tools for production tests.

Best regards and thanks in advance.

Welcome to the forum @Mianromo

An alternative is to use Visual Studio Code with the Arduino Extension ==> Guide for VSC

Setting up VSC as shown in my RUI3 Best Practices will give you the HEX file inside the project folder:

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