RUI3 LoRaWAN Packet Send Auto Adjustments for Regional Air Time Limitation?

Just for curiosity, does RUI3 implement features for calculating data rate limitation before sending data?

For example:
AS923 DwellTime=1, DR=2 only allows maximum of 11 bytes payload for each uplink. Are there any features to lock the minimal data rate from 2 to 3 when executing api.lorawan.send() with a 20-byte payload uplink?

No, RUI3 will not automatically adjust the data rate.

If you are using a custom firmware, you can implement it with an extra function:

uint16_t in865_eu433_ru864_eu868_ps[16] = {51, 51, 51, 115, 242, 242, 242, 242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint16_t au915_ps[16] = {51, 51, 51, 115, 242, 242, 242, 0, 53, 129, 242, 242, 242, 242, 0, 0};
uint16_t cn470_kr920_ps[16] = {51, 51, 51, 115, 242, 242, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
uint16_t us915_ps[16] = {11, 53, 125, 242, 242, 0, 0, 0, 53, 129, 242, 242, 242, 242, 0, 0};
uint16_t as923_ps[16] = {0, 0, 19, 61, 133, 250, 250, 250, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

uint16_t *region_map[12] = {in865_eu433_ru864_eu868_ps, cn470_kr920_ps, in865_eu433_ru864_eu868_ps, in865_eu433_ru864_eu868_ps, in865_eu433_ru864_eu868_ps,
							us915_ps, au915_ps, cn470_kr920_ps, as923_ps, as923_ps, as923_ps, as923_ps};

 * @brief Get the minimum datarate based on region and required payload size
 * @param region LoRaWAN region
 *               0 = EU433, 1 = CN470, 2 = RU864, 3 = IN865, 4 = EU868, 5 = US915,
 *               6 = AU915, 7 = KR920, 8 = AS923-1 , 9 = AS923-2 , 10 = AS923-3 , 11 = AS923-4)
 * @param payload_size required payload size
 * @return uint8_t datarate 0 to 15 or 16 if no matching DR could be found
uint8_t get_min_dr(uint16_t region, uint16_t payload_size)
	// Get the datarate - payload size map
	uint16_t *region_ps = region_map[region];

	// Go through all payload sizes
	for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < 16; idx++)
		// Check if dr payload size is larger than requested payload size
		if (payload_size < region_ps[idx])
			// Found a datarate that can carry the payload size
			return idx;
	// No matching datarate for the payload size found
	return 16;

and use it like this:

// Check DR
uint8_t new_dr = get_min_dr(, g_solution_data.getSize());
if (new_dr != 16)
	if (new_dr != api.lorawan.dr.get())
		// Set the new data rate
		Serial.printf("Datarate changed to %d\n", api.lorawan.dr.get());
	Serial.println("No matching datarate found");
// Send the packet
if (api.lorawan.send(g_solution_data.getSize(), g_solution_data.getBuffer()))
	Serial.printf("Packet enqueued, size %d\n", g_solution_data.getSize());
	Serial.println("Send failed");

Thank you.
The following should not be raised under this topic, but:
Is this feature also not available in other industrial products, e.g. nodes like RAK7431?

No, it is not available on any of our devices, unless they are using a custom firmware and have this code implemented.

If you use the RUI3 device over AT commands, you have to implement my code on the host MCU that is sending the AT commands and change the data rate with AT+DR=x before you send the packet.

Thanks! This helps a lot.

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