Running Meshtastic sample code on RAK4631

I am trying to run a simple Meshtastic example code that sends a text message over the 4631’s Lora interface every few seconds. I have a LilyGo T-beam that I am using to check reception, and it doesn’t see any messages from my sample code running on the 4631. The 4631 has the Meshtastic 2.5.x firmware running and communicates fine with my phone’s Meshtastic app over BT and the Meshtastic web client on my Windows laptop over USB. For example, when I send a text from the web client, it shows up immediately on the T-Beam.

Here’s the code I am using:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Adafruit_TinyUSB.h>
#include <Meshtastic.h>
#include <mt_internals.h>
#include "sensor.pb.h"  // Include your generated Protobuf header

// Pins to use for SoftwareSerial. Boards that don't use SoftwareSerial, and
// instead provide their own Serial1 connection through fixed pins
// will ignore these settings and use their own.
#define SERIAL_RX_PIN 13
#define SERIAL_TX_PIN 15
// A different baud rate to communicate with the Meshtastic device can be specified here
#define BAUD_RATE 115200

// Send a text message every this many seconds
#define SEND_PERIOD 5

uint32_t next_send_time = 0;
bool not_yet_connected = true;

// This callback function will be called whenever the radio connects to a node
void connected_callback(mt_node_t *node, mt_nr_progress_t progress) {
  if (not_yet_connected) 
    Serial.println("Connected to Meshtastic device!");
  not_yet_connected = false;

// This callback function will be called whenever the radio receives a text message
void text_message_callback(uint32_t from, const char* text) {
  // Do your own thing here. This example just prints the message to the serial console.
  Serial.print("Received a text message from ");
  Serial.print(": ");

void setup() {
  mt_debugging = true;
  // Try for up to five seconds to find a serial port; if not, the show must go on
  while(true) {
    if (Serial) break;
    if (millis() > 5000) {
      Serial.print("Couldn't find a serial port after 5 seconds, continuing anyway");

  Serial.print("Booted Meshtastic send/receive client in ");

  Serial.println(" mode");

  // Set to true if you want debug messages

  // Initial connection to the Meshtastic device

  // Register a callback function to be called whenever a text message is received

void loop() {

  // Record the time that this loop began (in milliseconds since the device booted)
  uint32_t now = millis();

  // Run the Meshtastic loop, and see if it's able to send requests to the device yet
  bool can_send = mt_loop(now);

  // If we can send, and it's time to do so, send a text message and schedule the next one.
  if (can_send && now >= next_send_time) {

    // Initial connection to the Meshtastic device
    bool rv = mt_request_node_report(connected_callback);

    if (!rv) {
        Serial.println("mt_request_node returned error!");

    rv = mt_send_text("Hello from RAK4631");

    if (!rv) {
        Serial.println("mt_send_text returned error!");
    next_send_time = now + SEND_PERIOD * 1000;


This is based on the SendReceiveClient example from I am using PlatformIo to upload the code to the device. The only messages I see on the log are:

12:36:51.535 -> Requesting node report with random ID 1035912239

12:36:51.535 -> Sending text message 'Hello from RAK4631' to 4294967295

FYI, here’s the code for mt_serial_init() in the Meshtastic library:

void mt_serial_init(int8_t rx_pin, int8_t tx_pin, uint32_t baud) {
  serial = new SoftwareSerial(rx_pin, tx_pin);
  mt_wifi_mode = false;
  mt_serial_mode = true;

Here’s my platformio.ini:

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
;   Build options: build flags, source filter
;   Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
;   Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
;   Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples

platform = nordicnrf52
board = wiscore_rak4631
framework = arduino
lib_deps = 

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to the forum @chander

We are not developing or maintaining the Meshtastic firmware, so our support is limited to hardware problems.

You are aware that Meshtastic is running a special protocol with data encryption? It is not that easy to connect a node that is not running Meshtastic firmware to their network.

Is the node on the same channel (Long-Fast, Short-Fast, …) as your other nodes?
Is the Region (frequency plan) set to the same as your other nodes?
Is the Frequency Slot set to the same as your other nodes?


The answer is yes to all the questions. When both the 4631 and the T-Beam are connected to different PCs over USB, I can send a text message from one using the Web client and it will show up on the Web client connected to the other. However, when I run the above example code on the 4631, I don’t see the message sent in the code on the T-Beam.

The example code uses the SoftSerial library. I am not familiar with it’s usage. Are the following settings correct for the 4631?

// Pins to use for SoftwareSerial. Boards that don’t use SoftwareSerial, and
// instead provide their own Serial1 connection through fixed pins
// will ignore these settings and use their own.
#define SERIAL_RX_PIN 13
#define SERIAL_TX_PIN 15

I have honestly no idea what you are doing.
I don’t know the “Meshtastic library” and what it does and when you need it.

The RAK4631 itself can run the Meshtastic firmware and there is no need for any library.

Maybe you can find help on the Github repo for this “Meshtastic library” or from the Meshtastic group itself.