Segger J-Link Debugger


could i debug my Rak4631 with Segger J-Link Debugger on Arduino IDE or Visual Studio Code?
If yes, is there any manual on how to do this ?

If no, is there a different method other than Serial.print? Because in this way, I cannot change the value of the variables, I can only see their values.

Thanks for the support.

Hello @KKOC

I did not try it, but here is a guide for debugging with PlatformIO and JLink => Arduino and Nordic nRF52-DK: debugging and unit testing

If you have the Jlink you may be better off taking a look at Segger’s Ozone debugger. To me it seems to be a more feature rich debugger.

Also you can use Segger’s Systemview product to get a feel for the RTOS task performance.

With PlatformiO out of the box you do not get a view of all of the RTOS tasks, only the current running. Take a look here: I think I’ve detailed how to get to the other tasks:

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