SIM Card not working on RAK7249

Issue: I bought this gateway recently and inserted T-Mobile sim card for Cellular data however, there is no IP address assigned but I could see the operator and other info. I tried disabling WAN, WiFi AP mode for cellular connectivity but none worked. This is the error quectel-CM[28855]: requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE quectel-CM[28855]: requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe

I tried to get into the AT command interface but I couldn’t find any documentation to access quectel module. Hopefully somebody could help me out

Did you configure APN settings?

e.g. these settings worked for me with a Telekom SIM card in Germany:

  • apn: internet.telekom
  • user: telekom
  • pw: tm

Depending on your provider & location the APN details may differ. Maybe this works for you:

  • apn: internet.t-mobile
  • user: t-mobile
  • pw: tm