Some AT commands over BLE do not work

When running “at+get_config=lora:status” and “at+get_config=lora:channel” there is no return value in the notify over BLE.

Is it because of the amount of data that needs to be returned is too large? If so the AT commands / API needs to be broken out into individual components. 1 for set, 1 for get.

Dear Steve,

Which firmware are you using?

Best regards!

RAK4600 Version:

I also tested RAK4600 Version: and same issue

Dear Steve,

Have you ever tried using serial port to send data?

Best regards!

When I send the command over BLE, the response prints out over serial, not BLE.
If I send the command over serial, it prints over serial.

  • Using ONLY serial port for the LoRA specific data is not a good solution if you are trying to build a mobile app to configure a device.

Dear Steve,

Since the data sent is too long to be printed from BLE, you can try sending at+version!

Best regards!

Your responses… are VERY scary, are you the only one in support or bug fixes?

I already said that I think the response is too long for BLE as the most likely cause and that you should create AT commands for GET on each variable. For example, “at+set_config=lora:region:EU868” AND “at+get_config=lora:region” rather than 1 AT command to get everything possible

Dear Steve,

I don’t know why you’re so surprised!

But as you said, it’s much easier to get or set a command, and get a response that’s not printable because the response data is too long, rather than sending bytes out of range.

You can also implement this feature with RUI online compilation.

Best regards!

The online documentation discusses BLE AT commands as if its an alternative to serial commands and never mentions the limitations of what commands would NOT work over BLE. Also, I recommend the AT interface include a way to get individual parameters. Yes I could figure out a way to do it myself but that really should be a default function of the firmware.