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Longtime HW guy here trying to use the WisBlock platform to learn more about writing firmware. I have loaded VSCode on my MAC Book M1 PRO and I have added PlatformIO. Can someone point me to a very basic “hello world” project I can load and try? I am using the RAK19007 Base Board with a RAK4631.
Thanks in advance!

Welcome to the forum @jdefant

If you want to use PIO with the RAK4631, please check our guide how to use the nRF52 platform with RAK4631 Installation of Board Support Package in PlatformIO

We have a lot of examples for the Arduino IDE that you can easily use in PIO as well in our WisBlock repo.

You can find more examples in Kongduino’s Github account and in my private Github

Thank you for responding beegee!
I am having trouble running RAK_patch.
I unzipped RAK_PATCH in my PlatformIO installation folder.
Unfortunately, the “Installation of Board Support Package in PlatformIO” does not include an example of running “python ./” in a MAC terminal. When I did this I received a “command not found error”. Turns out I needed to specify python3. So I ran python3 ./ but now I am getting an error “could not find …/platformio/nordicnrf52/boards”. In my installation, the “nordicnrf52/boards” is in the “platforms” directory under platformio. Should I just move all three platforms up one directory?


There is no need to move any folders.
Place the RAK_PATCH folder directly in the .platformio folder and it should work.

I don’t have a MAC, but on Windows it is like this:

Hi @jdefant,
You could also try this fun Helium Mapper project based on RAK4631 and cool Zephyr RTOS. (You need also accelerator sensor RAK1904, GPS module RAK1910 and any base board like RAK19003 for example).
Have fun !