Trouble recording WAV file on RAK4630


I’m using the Microphone Starter Kit - Rak4631 with arduino open source. I am trying to record data from the microphone using the examples available. Since RAK4631 doesn’t have an example to record to SD, I added a section from the recordtoSD example from RAK11200.

The file is recorded and I can hear myself speaking but the quality is very weird. Are there specific settings to improve this?

The below link contains an example file recorded and the INO file used to record it.

Unfortunately, recording microphone audio to the SD card is not currently supported with the RAK4630 and the RAK18003 or RAK15002 due to a bandwidth issue (as you have seen with your recording :frowning: ). In the future we may develop a new Audio Interposer board which will solve this problem.
Are you able to use the RAK11200?

Thanks for the reply.

The issue is that in the actual use case I want down the line I will use LoRaWAN, so unless there is a way to add LoRaWAN connectivity to the RAK11200 module, then I can’t use it.

Edit: I saw that you can add RAK13300 to it to provide LoRa connectivity. I will check it and see.

Yes you can use the RAK13300 with the RAK11200 to add Lora, you will however need to use a base board with two IO slots. (hopefully that is not a problem).

Out of curiosity what is the application?
(wondering why you need to record to the SD and have LoRa…)

Unfortunately you can’t use the RAK13300 and the RAK18030 microphone module togehter.
They have an GPIO conflict: