Trouble using multiple sensors with the RAK Board

Hey @beegee - this stuff really helps the more beginners (like me) to understand stuff!
Would you mind providing a similar explanation here? Confused about PIN definition in variant.h / power management - #6

As for Slot B having pin 12 as IO2 - is that just a design issue? Is there a use-case where this is useful?
I think it’s great that we can remove the power with IO2, but then it’s a shame that we have issues like these. I’m sure you guys want to allow all possible combinations but there are of course technical and mechanical limits (there’s a 20 pin slot vs 40 on CPU). Would you mind trying to explain that limit? I always find that there’s a super good reason for some of this stuff (designers are always much smarter then we are :slight_smile: ). Understanding the reason for a design often helps create a better overall understanding - even if that understanding is just “there was no budget/time to do this better”. Would be great to get some insights if you’re able to share that!