Troubleshooting RAK7244 TTN OTAA failure

I have recently purchased a RAK7244.
My problem is that while I have been able to use the ABP protocol with RN2903 and RF95 based devices to interact successfully with, I have been utterly and repeatedly unsuccessful attempting to use the OTAA protocol, and received only “join denied” or “unable to join” responses. I am new to LoraWAN so it may be a simple issue on my part but I’m clueless about how to troubleshoot. I’ve been very careful about the keys yet some of the example scripts from arduino libraries produce messages such as "there is either a problem with your keys or backend "

I have tested both the “rak_common_for_gateway” software as well as the RAK7244&RAK7244P_based_on_Raspbian_V4.1.0_20191129 software, and have the same result.

“Join Request” and “Join Accept” messages appear in gateway’s Traffic display, and an Activation message appears in Application Data display, but no data and the scripts report Join denied in Serial console. Thus, I’m wondering if the gateway is misconfigured somehow.

Could you help me get started on debugging this problem using OTAA over my RAK7244?

Thanks in advance.

Hello! Which frequency band do you use?

I’m using the US915 band (TTN_FP_US915)

Change 16 to 17 in the /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json file and see if the issue is resolved.

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Super cool! Works! Thanks!

It is possible that ttn modified some parameters and caused us915 to have this problem in join. We have fixed this issue and will release it in the next version of the gateway firmware.

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@arjanvanb at TheThingsNetwork reports this solution may not last and wanted me to alert you:

thank you very much. I corrected my previous answer, this is a problem caused by packet_forwarder, not ttn. We will fix this issue in the next firmware version. The new version is currently in beta.

Thank you @bpr very much and @arjanvanb.

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