Dear RAK Team and forum users.
I have some problem with RAK833 Tx Test
I set up as below, but 833 Tx test failed.
RAK811 side.
( every at command succeeded.)
RAK833 side
sudo ./util_tx_test -r 1257 -f 867.7 -s 12 -b125 -p 27 -t 100
After these setup, in RAK833 side the only log is as below.
Sending -1 packets on 867700000 Hz (BW 125 kHz, SF 12, 16 bytes payload, 1257 symbols preamble) at 27 dBm, with 100 ms between each
INFO: concentrator started, packet can be sent
Sending packet number 1 …OK
Sending packet number 2 …OK
Sending packet number 3 …OK
Sending packet number 4 …OK
Sending packet number 5 …OK
Sending packet number 6 …OK
Sending packet number 7 …OK
Nothing happens in RAK811.
Is there any document which describe connection between 811 and 833, which includes connection procedure?