Unable to install extensions on RAK7268CV2

Hi, I am unable to install any extension from extensions gallery on my RAK7268CV2. Getting “internal server error” on every attempt.

Hello @pawel ,

When you check with the file browser do you see a directory: mmcblk0p1> wes?

Nikola Semov

hi @Nikola, here is what I got - there is no wes directory under my mmcblk0p1:


Please create this “wes” directory.
You can do this 2 ways:
1- upgrade to 2.2.6 firmware
2- Create the directory yourself via the CLI.
To do that you would need to SSH access the gateway. Then follow these instructions:
cd mnt
cd mmcblk0p1
mkdir wes

Then reboot the gateway.

Nikola Semov

thanks @Nikola, I upgraded my RAK7268CV2 to 2.2.6 firmware and it works fine now

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