Unable to Send out packets from gateway

Issue: I have the RAK2245 flashed with the image provided in the datasheets, when trying to connect an external Lora node to TTN v3 it doesn’t want to send out the join-accepted packets. An issue I had before was that it was showing offline in TTN console, but I fixed that by changing the gateway server address.

Setup: Raspberry Pi 3 + RAK2245 Hat, custom image from the datasheet

Server: TTN V3 nam1.cloud.thethings.network

Let me know what else to include.

Are you seeing join requests being reported in through this gateway?

Does TTN’s device view indicate that it is generating join accepts? If not, you have a problem long before the gateway

Does TTN’s gateway view indicate that it is pushing join accept transmit requests to the gateway? If not, you still have a problem before the gateway.

If TTN tells the gateway to transmit, how are you determining if it actually did? The node not receiving doesn’t necessarily mean the gateway didn’t transmit, though that is one possible cause.

Hey Chris

Are you seeing join requests being reported in through this gateway?

Yes im seeing them on the ttn console

Does TTN’s device view indicate that it is generating join accepts? If not, you have a problem long before the gateway

Yes the console is generating the join accepts and forwarding them to the gateway

Does TTN’s gateway view indicate that it is pushing join accept transmit requests to the gateway? If not, you still have a problem before the gateway.

yes the ttn console pushed them

If TTN tells the gateway to transmit, how are you determining if it actually did? The node not receiving doesn’t necessarily mean the gateway didn’t transmit, though that is one possible cause.

the node it self does not receive the join-accept packets when using ttn with this gateway, it works when using the helium network. Im going to try and flash the helium light hotspot code in the morning and see if i can get the node im using to work.

I’d try watching the gateway logs then, I forget what the command is, sudo journalctl ?