Using modbus RTU with RAK11300

Both works, you can supply 12V from the WisBlock (I used our RAK19002 Boost which can deliver 50mA.
Or you can use an external 12V supply.
The first option allows you to shut down the power of the sensor, with the second option your sensor is either always powered up or you need a relay to control the 12V.

Awesome, but in no case I can expect the sensor device to provide this power right? It’s my duty, either thru the 5801 or thru an external power supply, to provide this voltage right?

Thanks again

It depends on your sensor I guess. I never tried a 4-20mA sensor.

There are 20mA sensors that have a separate power supply input, others expect the 12V from the 4-20mA connector.

Maybe RAK5801 Typical Application helps. There are 2 wire, 3 wire and 4 wire sensors.

Ok it looks pretty clear, I guess this device doesn’t provide power by itself, but I will check voltage presence before I connect anything to it to make sure
