Are there any guidelines on when to choose the RAK7289V2 or another more powerful Edge device over the RAK7268V2 gateway for an indoor application? We have installations of 10 to 70 class C devices that communicate a couple times every 5 minutes.
We use a minimum of 2 RAK7289V2 gateways, with larger installations using up to 4 gateways to obtain good coverage throughout the building. I am unsure of when we would benefit from the more powerful (and expensive) devices.
When you don´t have details about the project requirements, we usually to work as maximum with 1000 of radios connected by channel. The recommended number of channels is directly related with some environments parameters, for example for smart cities we expect to have a lot of devices, but it is important to pay attention in the timeline, because the time to reach the maximum depends of a lot of factors.
I prefer to work with 8 channels gateways, because it will use 1 sub-band (in Brazil). When the gateway capacity reach the maximum, you just need to add one more 8 channels gateway in a second sub-band. This strategy depends on your country regulations. For example, in Brazil, the ANATEL (Telecomunication Agency) create 64 channels (125 kHz) grouped in 8 sub-bands with 8 channels each one. This way, you can put you money only when/where it is necessary.