Why would an unconfirmed uplink trigger a downlink

Back with another dumb question.

I have two end nodes that are running the EXACT same firmware (utilizing an RN2903 in unconfirmed
mode), but the devAddr are different between the two.

As far as I can tell, the setup looks consistent in the web UI, but when my node SN3 send an uplink to the gateway, and downlink is triggered. SN2 does not have that reaction (which I think is the right way to go).

I’ve looked at the debug from the GUI, and I don’t see anything different in the uploads between the two units. Is there something in these two pictures that can point me to what I am doing wrong?


I just realized that I can get a little more information (I haven’t had time to digest it yet) if I look at the frames on the device’s page, not the gateway. It is too long to fit in one image, so here is a couple

I was able to pull this out of /var/log/messages

Sep 1 18:59:57 raspberrypi0-wifi user.info chirpstack-network-server[317]: time=“2020-09-01T18:59:57Z” level=info msg=“pending mac-command block set” cid=LinkADRReq commands=2 ctx_id=ee0186fc-724e-40bb-a569-ff51af48bce9 dev_eui=001e06767b27a921
Sep 1 18:59:57 raspberrypi0-wifi user.info chirpstack-network-server[317]: time=“2020-09-01T18:59:57Z” level=info msg=“pending mac-command block set” cid=RXParamSetupReq commands=1 ctx_id=ee0186fc-724e-40bb-a569-ff51af48bce9 dev_eui=001e06767b27a921
Sep 1 18:59:57 raspberrypi0-wifi user.info chirpstack-network-server[317]: time=“2020-09-01T18:59:57Z” level=info msg=“pending mac-command block set” cid=RXTimingSetupReq commands=1 ctx_id=ee0186fc-724e-40bb-a569-ff51af48bce9 dev_eui=001e06767b27a921

This seems like a similar issue, but doesn’t appear to have been resolved

I just noticed that adr is false on the node that is having this weird response, but true on the other one. I am guessing that is the issues… I was going to try to make the change, but I see that that isn’t something set by me. I’ll look into why that might be happening…

Well that went no where fast. I turned on ADR, but that didn’t change the downlink trigger

Dear garengllc,
If the parameters of the connection are inconsistent, the addR he assigns will be different, which is normal.
The ADR also changes according to the signal, rather than changing every time.

I believe all the other settings are the same. Is there any other thing I could look into to figure out why it is happening?

Dear garengllc,
If sent simultaneously, only one piece of data can be uplied at a time!

Is seconds apart ok?


I turned off my second unit so hay I know that they aren’t transmitting at the same time for sure. It is still having the same issue. So it is not that.

Dear garengllc,
I can understand your question is on the setting of ADR, right?
Both the node and the server have places to set adRs, and you need to make sure that these are consistent!