WisGate Edge Lite 2 connect directly via mqtt

Can we connect WisGate Edge Lite 2 to third party services like AWS, azure iot using MQTT protocol ?

If yes, can someone guide me how ??

Thanks for AWS IoT Core docs.
How do we connect to external private MQTT Broker in addition to AWS IoT Core?

Scenario 1: Where you want to use IoT Core for LoRaWAN plus also forward to another external private MQTT then you can use Rules to trigger a Lambda Function : Rules for AWS IoT - AWS IoT Core

Scenario 2: If you do not want to only private MQTT then you need to reconfigure your LNS to use that MQTT broker.

Thanks for this your reply.
LNS you are referring is like TTN/TTI or ChirpStack?

Also, will OpenVPN tunnel help to access RAKwireless Gateway Application Server’s MQTT Bridge remotely?


I don’t know about OpenVPN configuration.

Yes. LNS can be Things or Chirpstack configured with MQTT broker of your choice.

Ok sure and thanks. Let me try OpenVPN and update here.

Now, I can access RAKwireless Gateway Application Server’s MQTT Bridge remotely with OpenVPN.

Thanks for your support

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