WisGate7289V2 just started failing to connect to AWSIOT

I’ve had the WisGate7289 set up for about a month with only 2 devices, using the AWS IOT integration. This has been working flawlessly and just abruptly stopped. I’m now getting the error messages in the log, and as far as AWS logs are concerned, it now never sees any attempts to connect from the WisGate7289.
What is going on? This has been working with no changes to either side!!

Wed Jun 28 21:12:43 2023 daemon.info gwBridge[2402]: Uplink Packet from Gateway ac1f09fffe08df05
Wed Jun 28 21:12:43 2023 user.info lora_pkt_fwd[3933]: INFO: [down] PULL_ACK received in 1 ms
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: AWS URL -> a2p954***-ats.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: AWS port -> 8883
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: GW URL -> tcp://
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]:  North Bound MQTT Info:		 	Host: a2p954r***-ats.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:8883		 	  CA: /etc/lorasrv/aws_ca.pem		 	CERT: /etc/lorasrv/aws_vendor.crt		 	 KEY: /etc/lorasrv/aws_vendor.key
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: Initializing Northbound MQTT
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: aproxy_north_init_connection::aws_iot_mqtt_init: rc=0
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: Connecting Northbound MQTT
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: aproxy_north_init_connection::aws_iot_mqtt_connect: rc=-4
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: aws_iot_mqtt_connect returned error : -4
Wed Jun 28 21:12:44 2023 user.debug aws-proxy[13516]: aproxy_north_init_connection failed, exit.

Can anyone shed any light? Thanks very much!

Turned out that I had actually made a single change on the AWS side. For the AWS IOT settings, changing the policy from IoTSecurityPolicy_TLS12_1_0_2015_01 (which was working) to IoTSecurityPolicy_ TLS13_1_3_2022_10 (not working, but latest version) broke things. Setting it back fixed the issue. Maybe the 7289 doesn’t support > TLS 1.2?

Docs here: