Wisnode shield on Arduino Mega code

I have 4x Wisnodes. Purchased them to set up 4 nodes with sensor data as payloads. I was attracted to the Wisnode because I hold RAK products in very high regard, and secondly the Wisnode can be viewed as a shield for Arduino Mega.

I have a similar node based on a Dragino LoRa module/shield and Arduino Uno which works perfectly. I just put code into the Uno and the node took off.

Similarly, I expected to mount the Wisnode shield onto the Arduino Mega, download code from Github, and the world wld be sweet, but no.

The only tutorial I have found is -

Https://create.arduino.cc/project hub/naresh-Krish/getting-started-with-the-rak81-LoRa-node-67f157

and you donā€™t appear to mount the shield on the mega, and you have to make modifications to the module with side cutters and soldering iron.

Can anyone please point me in the direction of a tutorial/project(s) that establishes the Wisnode as a stand alone node and/or a Wisnode mounted on a mega with appropriate code to drive it as a node, or better, a sensor values Payload node.

Many thanks.

On the product page there is a link to the documentation:


The Arduino specific instructions are here:


which yields:

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Dear John
Please refer this linkļ¼š

You mentioned earlierļ¼š

I have a similar node based on a Dragino LoRa module/shield and Arduino Uno which works perfectly. I just put code into the Uno and the node took off.

It will lose the unique functionality of a module, only using WisNode as an RF module, controlled by Arduino. This will not be necessary for the MCU in Wisnode.

Best regardsļ¼

Important notes:

In the library examples, there is a line that sets the working mode to LoRaWAN:

if(!RAKLoRa.rk_setWorkingMode(0)) //set WisNode work_mode to LoRaWAN.

This requires a reset / reboot / power-cycle of the module to take effect and I find the RAK811 will actually stop until this has happened.

In addition, communicating with an Arduino at the default speed of 115200 is problematic as the Arduino clock canā€™t actually accurately run 115200 baud rate, so itā€™s best to slow it down - 9600 is rock solid and as the data exchange is minimal, the slower rate isnā€™t an issue.

You can use the Serial Tool to set the working mode and change the baud rate. This only needs to be done once. Or write a sketch for first run on the board to change things over.

Iā€™ve found the modules to work splendidly, any questions, post here and tag me, Iā€™m on most days.

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Hi Nick,

I am having error with this line if(!RAKLoRa.rk_setWorkingMode(0)) //set WisNode work_mode to LoRaWAN.

The only difference is that Iā€™m using P2P examples, receiver and sender codes but to no avail. I updated the baud rates in serial tool to 9600. pins triple checked, updated firmware but I cant seem to make it work.


I have a pair of RAK811 433mhz v1.3 using arduino uno on both EVBs.

Can you please help.


Youā€™ll need to set it to 1 for P2P and as above:

I think youā€™ll find itā€™s done it - but the library expects a response which it doesnā€™t get due to above. Just set it the once at the same time as setting the baud rate.

From a direct message, copied here so that all can benefit.

@rlpdavid, if you have a v1.2 board, you will need to remove at the very least, R12 & 13 as these are connected to the Arduinoā€™s serial port, the one you use to program it with, so this will solve the lack of communication.

R8 appears to reset the shield if the Arduino is reset and R11 allows you to reset the shield via D8 from your code (a good thing to have).

There is level shifting on the shield to handle the different voltages, so you are all good in that dept.

NMCC and Nicholas. Thank you for your replies. I have been through all the references and have learnt heaps. However, Iā€™m still a bit stuck. Leaving aside mounting the Wisnode on a Mega, I have managed to get the standalone Wisnode to join my gateaway/TTN The join request was acknowledged/established the moment I put a payload into the node;


So my next question is how do I put a ā€œrealā€ payload into the node?

I have this piece of code from the RAKWireless/WisNode-Arduino-Library


  • This demo is only supported after RUI firmware version on RAK811
  • Master Board Uart Receive buffer size at least 128 bytes.

#include ā€œRAK811.hā€
#include ā€œSoftwareSerial.hā€
#define WORK_MODE LoRaWAN // LoRaWAN or LoRaP2P
String DevEui = ā€œ8680000000000001ā€;
String AppEui = ā€œ70B3D57ED00285A7ā€;
String AppKey = ā€œDDDFB1023885FBFF74D3A55202EDF2B1ā€;
#else JOIN_MODE == ABP
String NwkSKey = ā€œ69AF20AEA26C01B243945A28C9172B42ā€;
String AppSKey = ā€œ841986913ACD00BBC2BE2479D70F3228ā€;
String DevAddr = ā€œ260125D7ā€;
#define TXpin 11 // Set the virtual serial port pins
#define RXpin 10
#define DebugSerial Serial
SoftwareSerial ATSerial(RXpin,TXpin); // Declare a virtual serial port
char buffer[]= ā€œ72616B776972656C657373ā€;

bool InitLoRaWAN(void);
RAK811 RAKLoRa(ATSerial,DebugSerial);

void setup() {

ATSerial.begin(9600); //set ATSerial baudrate:This baud rate has to be consistent with the baud rate of the WisNode device.

if(!RAKLoRa.rk_setWorkingMode(0)) //set WisNode work_mode to LoRaWAN.
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œset work_mode failed, please reset module.ā€));

RAKLoRa.rk_getVersion(); //get RAK811 firmware version
DebugSerial.println(RAKLoRa.rk_recvData()); //print version number

DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œStart init RAK811 parametersā€¦ā€));

if (!InitLoRaWAN()) //init LoRaWAN
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œInit error,please reset module.ā€));

DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œStart to join LoRaWANā€¦ā€));
while(!RAKLoRa.rk_joinLoRaNetwork(60)) //Joining LoRaNetwork timeout 60s
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œRejoin again after 5sā€¦ā€));
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œJoin LoRaWAN successā€));

if(!RAKLoRa.rk_isConfirm(0)) //set LoRa data send package type:0->unconfirm, 1->confirm
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œLoRa data send package set error,please reset module.ā€));

bool InitLoRaWAN(void)
if(RAKLoRa.rk_setJoinMode(JOIN_MODE)) //set join_mode:OTAA
if(RAKLoRa.rk_setRegion(5)) //set region EU868
if (RAKLoRa.rk_initOTAA(DevEui, AppEui, AppKey))
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œRAK811 init OK!ā€));
return true;
return false;

void loop() {
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œStart send dataā€¦ā€));
if (RAKLoRa.rk_sendData(1, buffer))
for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 90000L;)
String ret = RAKLoRa.rk_recvData();
if(ret != NULL)
DebugSerial.println(F(ā€œGo to Sleep.ā€));
RAKLoRa.rk_sleep(1); //Set RAK811 enter sleep mode
delay(10000); //delay 10s
RAKLoRa.rk_sleep(0); //Wakeup RAK811 from sleep mode

The payload sits here -

char buffer[]= ā€œ72616B776972656C657373ā€;

(1) How do I, for instance, get sensor data into here?

(2) And while Iā€™m at it, how do I get that code above into my Wisnode?

Iā€™ll bet thatā€™s pretty simple for someone, but right now, not for me.

Many thanks. Regards.

The WisNode is a self-contained module, as youā€™ve discovered.

The code above goes on to the Arduino Mega and you send the commands to the WisNode from your code to get it to send your payload. So you will need to:

If not already, get the Arduino IDE installed

  • Read about Arduino programming 101
  • Put the starter code above on your Mega and test
  • Write the code to read your sensors - what are they?
  • Write the code to put the data from the sensors in to the buffer.

If you get started with the first three bullet points and tell us what sensors you have, weā€™ll be here when itā€™s time to code them.

Hi Nick. I have a DHT22 module connected to a Dragino LoRa shield mounted on a Arduino Mega. I wrote the code. Its set up as a node. I get the temp and the humidity off the TTN. Works perfectly. It works exactly as you describe above. I have a total of 4 nodes installed and working.

I have a really major project going here that I designed and wrote the code for that manages water delivery across the farm. It prioritises the use of water across humans, animals, and vegetation. It get the time of GPS to determine summer time/winter time, and accordingly restricts irrigation. It detects the presence if rain and inhibits irrigation.

I have done Arduino 101 and I can write in C (among other programming languages). I have Arduino IDE installed.

Cld you please confirm one thing. The Wisnode does not get mounted on the Mega. It sits on its own with jumper connection to Rx/Tx pins ā€¦ plus VCC?

If do mount it on the Mega, I have to break the 4 resistors 12, 13, 17, 19.

Thank you for your help. Regards

I think part of my problem is use of the word ā€œstand aloneā€. If Wisnode was stand alone, Iā€™d have thought the sensor was connected directly to the Wisnode, and the code installed on the Wisnode.

I think if I regard it as a shield, then I donā€™t have a problem ā€¦ except for the 4 resistors that have to be removed.

The WisNode does not need anything else for you to connect to LoRaWAN - thatā€™s my meaning of standalone. But itā€™s tricky to connect sensors & program for but the facility is there if you want to get in to RUI.

So if you follow the instructions for which ever version of WisNode you have - I think v3 is jumpers and the others are resistors that need removing - you can then treat it as a shield, plug it on top of your Mega and use the library linked to above which allows you to code the same commands that you typed in directly.

Or yeah, link over to Rx & Tx plus GROUND and leave it next to your Mega but not plugged in. I use SoftSerial at 9600 so Iā€™ve still got the main USB serial port for debug and programming.

Great. Thanks. To labour the point, if I purchase a v1.3, I donā€™t have to remove the resistors, and I can mount the Wisnode on the mega and then follow the tram lines?

I know the answer, but this is definitely in the flogging a dead horse territory and we are in a ā€˜teach a man to fishā€™ mood.

So, what does the document specifically for the v1.3 say - or more importantly, what does it show on the picture?

PS, yes, itā€™s a bit of an egg hunt as not all the docs are in the same place, but places do absolutely scream V1.3 ā€¦

Hi Nick. Iā€™m not sure what your first para means. Most of my professional career was in Software Engineering. I was part of a team ion the UK who developed the worldā€™s first electronic telephone exchange for the British Post Office. Pretty sure I know how to fish. I am keen to learn how to use AT commands, and also to use RUI. I think my biggest challenge is the lack of absolutely clear documentation.

I tried to update the firmware on my Wisnode/RAK811 board. It took a whole day. Had to reload the boot-loader as well. Now AT commands dont work. However, I will persevere and I will get it going.

Hate to say, I have looked at every v1.3 doc I can find, but as yet havenā€™t found a picture that you refer to.

Rome wasnā€™t built in a day, but it was built.

Thank you for your assistance to date. Undoubtedly, you have helped me make progress.

Just BTW, if I ordered a new Wisnode ā€¦ which now appears to be called Wisduo, will I automatically get a v1.3?


Dear John,
The V1.3 mentioned by nick is the corresponding hardware model of wisnode. For different reasons, the latest hardware has been upgraded to V1.3, and the arduino connection method corresponding to it has also changed. You must refer to the documentation of the corresponding model. Connect to ensure the normal operation of the program.

Thank you for your reply. Much appreciated.

I think I now have a good understanding of the issues surround interfacing a Mega to a Wisnode RAK811. So before I ventured any further, I thought Iā€™d upgrade the firmware on the Wisnode, I followed the TTN instruction to the letter.

That took some doing. I ended up reloading the boot loader as well as the firmware (to V3.0.0.14T3). However, when I go to RAK Serial Port Tool, i can out in any at command but I donā€™t get any response as per the screen shot below.

I have 4x Wisnodes v1.2. The first one tried this on has had R11, R12 etc decimated for mounting on the Mega. I got the response as per the screen shot.

So I tried another virgin Wisnode. I got the same screen shot. No response to the AT commands.

I reverted to the third virgin Wisnode just to be sure and it works like a charm as a standalone node.

Can anyone help me with this please


Can you show your Wisnode connection diagram? I want to find some problems through it. Before this, you must ensure that the firmware is programmed normally.

Very happy to do that. Iā€™ll get onto it. Thanks.


Have a question. You must burn firmware on github If you want to using RAK wisnode and Arduino.