Wisnode v1.1 no response to AT commands

Sending AT-commands like at+version does not yield any response from the module


WisNode v1.1 flashed with firmware. Prints initialization output to terminal, but any AT commands I send yields no response. I’m using minicom to send at-commands, and I’m sending the CRLF after writing at commands. Same setup used to work fine with 2.x version of the firmware.

Output on device reset:

LoRa (R) is a registered trademark or service mark of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. LoRaWAN (R) is a licensed mark.

RAK811 Version:
UART1 work mode: RUI_UART_NORMAL, 115200, N81
UART3 work mode: RUI_UART_NORMAL, 115200, N81
LoRa work mode:LoRaWAN, join_mode:OTAA, MulticastEnable: false, Class: A
Initialization OK

Welcome to RAK forum @lulf ,

Are you still using WisNode v1.1 with no Arduino connected yet? What is your Jumper setting in P5 headers? Can you share a picture?

Thanks. I have not yet connected any arduino, just using it from PC.

I have also tried to hook at usb-to-serial cable to TXD/RXD on P6, and I’m seeing the same output from initialization, but also there it does not respond to input.

Just to be on the safe side, here is my minicom settings:

Disabled hardware and software flow control

Hi @lulf ,

Your setup is ok. Hmm. I am really out of ideas now on what could go wrong.

Can you try to flash again the FW? https://downloads.rakwireless.com/LoRa/RAK811/Firmware/

If the situation is the same, can you hook now a logic analyzer or oscilloscope to the RX and TX pin directly on the RAK811 module to see what signals are going in and out of it?