WisToolBox UI no longer recognizes the RAK3172 Evaluation Board

Please include the following information, in order for us to help you as effectively as possible.

  • What product do you wish to discuss? RAK4631, RAK3372, RAK11200, RAK11310, RAK11722?

RAK3172 Evaluation Board

  • What firmware are you using? (RUI3 or Arduino BSP or other IDE (e.g. STM32CubeIDE)?



Version 1.4.3

  • What firmware version? Can it be obtained with AT+VER=?

Version: RUI_4.1.1_RAK3172-E
Current Work Mode: LoRaWAN.

  • Computer OS? (MacOS, Linux, Windows)

windows 11

  • What Computer OS version?

  • How often does the problem happen?


  • How can we replicate the problem?

  • Provide source code if custom firmware is used or link to example if RAKwireless example code is used.

well I am realy new one to lorawan, I am trying join my lorawan gateaway wis gate lite 2, I am using node as RAK3172 Evaluation Board. I 've established gateaway and now I am trying this steps from docs to set parameters of rak3172 over the wis tool box. but wis tool box no longer recognize properly my device so I can only change parameters with console but I want change parameters with UI.

what should I do?

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-06-26 154108

Welcome to the forum @mehmet

Are you using the standard AT command firmware for the RAK3172 or a custom application that you created with ArduinoIDE and RUI3 API?

If yes, do you setup the Serial port in your code?
If yes, how do you setup the Serial port?

If you downgrade the firmware or the BSP in Arduino to V4.1.0, does it work?

Thanks for interest, my plan is a custom application with arduino ide. But i assumed that loranode parametrrs can be set over wistoolbox, am i right? I was working on ebyte brand lora modul such as e22 900t22d. With ebyte moduls i am giving parametre setting modul at first via parameter setting program such as wistoolbox and than in Arduino i am focusing my code not losing time with parameter setting. I am realy new at rak mode in programmaticly. uls so i dont know working discipline at rak 3172.

What is your prefer for me. My application is generally measure temp and humidity and push to server. Should i use wistoolbox or in Arduino program parametre setting should give programmaticly.

Yes, you can setup LoRaWAN parameters with WisToolBox or through a serial terminal app with AT commands, this is the recommended solution.
If you setup parameters like DevEUI, AppEUI, … in your application, you would need a different application for each module.

You say WisToolBox does not recognize the module, but do AT commands work when you use a Serial Terminal application (not sure what you mean with “change parameters with console”)

Do you use Serial (USB) for debug output?
If yes, how do you initialize the Serial port?

Well as you can see my last screenshot at question wistoolbox says

Your device is not supported. Learn more about supported devices below. Click Open console to start communicating with your device.

But I want to see parametre setting on wistoolbox as documan, like this

Should i new flash or new firmware apply to board to support from wistoolbox. In my opinion wrong flash make this problem because wistoolbox says this chip is rak3172 T but at documents it says only rak3172 without T or E. Is it makes this not recognize issue?

What version is your WisToolBox?
Try to update WisToolBox.

The firmware version of the RAK3172 is very old, try to use V4.1.1.

WisToolBox can only detect it is a RAK3172, it does not know if it is an evaluation board (E) or a custom PCB with the RAK3172 on it. RAK3172, RAK3172-T and RAK3172-SiP will be detected.

I don’t see in your screenshot that it detected a RAK3172-T. The RAK3172-T is only available as a stamp module and not available with the evaluation boards.

I ve tried everything but still WisToolBox does not support.

What board did you select when you flashed your firmware in Arduino IDE?

RAK3172-T is a version that is not sold with the evaluation board, only RAK3172 (without the “T”)

You need to compile the firmware for the board “WisDuo RAK3172 Evaluation Board”