Hi, I’m new to this. I connected my RAK3172 module to my Arduino UNO board. In the P2P sample code of the RAK3172 module over UART2, instead of using USB-to-UART-TTL, the data coming to the Arduino IDE serial monitor is written using serial over Arduino UNO, but when using Arduino UNO, AT_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND error is received. I reduced the spreading factor value in the data transmission parameters from 12 to 6, so I stopped receiving this error, but why? I have previously reviewed the questions asked in the forum and it was stated that this error was not received due to the use of a 10ms waiting period after AT commands, but I am using RUI3 API functions, so where can I use these delays?

Very simple:

Don’t use delays

After each command you send to the RAK3172 YOU MUST WAIT FOR THE RESPONSE before you send the next command.

You might have a look at RUI3-Arduino-Library. It is not perfect, I am quite sure there are still bugs in it, but it does use the proper protocol to communicate with the RAK3172.