BG77 wont connect after changing SIM

I was up and running with my RAK5860 (BG77) using a hologram sim.
I was sending tcp data to both hologram cloud and our server.

While testing, i was connecting to Telus in Canada. This is the preffered Hologram network where in am located.

Then my sample of “native” TELUS IOT sims arrived, so i popped one in after making changes to the APN in my code. I got no service. I tried lot of changes, i reset the bg77 back to factory defaults. I started using Quectel Navigator for testing, rather than my app. Nothing worked.

So i decided to go back to Hologram sim. And the same. I cant get my app or QNavigator to get any service!

I done a bunch of searching, but cant find out how to deal handling SIM card changes and getting back on a network.

Any ideas what to try?

HI @sspw ,

It seems the factory defaults could have affected some configurations on the BG77. When you did changed the SIM, did you change anything on the hardware like power source, battery? Antenna? etc.? Btw, when it comes to lower details of BG77, it is best to get support directly on Quectel for compatibility of the modules to different networks as they have the expertise on the module itself.