I have a couple of the RAK3272S. Been doing some LORAWAN testing for a couple weeks. I changed the baud rate of one of them and basically locked myself out. So I used STM tool to reload the firmware but it actually didn’t fix the problem baud rate was still off. So I then did the full erase and loaded the firmware again and it was back working. Except now if I do a send the device reboots immediately. Receive is fine. I grabbed latest firmware and reloaded and did a full erase but same behavior. I am guess the unit failed but the order of events makes me think there maybe be something I am missing. Any thoughts appreciated!
Welcome back to the forum @tbacon
The serial speed settings are saved in flash.
Flashing a new firmware does not overwrite these settings, so your step to do a chip erase is the correct way to do it.
What are your exact LoRaWAN settings when you experience the crash?
Payload size?
Try to enable debug output with AT+DEBUG=1 if it throws any info before it restarts.
Thanks for the guidance, I will give it a try the debug this afternoon after the day job! The last test I ran was I did a full erase, loaded the latest firmware. Type in the AT command for a join and it rebooted, then I set if for P2P and did a Send which also caused a reboot. Seems like the hardware failed but interested in trying the debug and will let you know. I will order a couple more anyway in the interim!
Well it took a couple hours before I stumbled onto my issue. Seems if the antennas are too close together the send can cause a reboot! So all SW and HW are fine, just my mistake!
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