DIY Optical button!

The AMS TCS37725FN (RAK12021) RGB and proximity sensor is capable of operating “optical button”. I really like the optical buttons because they don’t rattle and the infrared LED is not visible in the dark. But there are two features of this sensor.
First, the AMS TCS37725FN has no interruption for the proximity sensor. Therefore, you will have to poll the sensor in a loop or use joint operation with interruption of the light sensor (by event). This method is convenient if low power consumption is required: the controller will only wake up when an interrupt is triggered.
Secondly, the RAK12021-TCS37725 library does not configure the proximity sensor as an optical button during initialization.
I wrote an additional configuration function, it is quite simple and does not require changing the library code.
Why this function is needed can be read here RAK12021 proximity sensor not working?
This is the function >>>

#define AUTO_INCREMENT          0xA0

bool setProximity(void)
    uint8_t val = 0;

    /* Set bits in register to given value */

    val = 0b00001100;
    /* Write register value back into CONTROL register */
    /* Control Register (0x0F) */
    if( Wire.endTransmission() != 0 ) {
        return false;
    return true;

The full code can be viewed below. In addition to the operation of the optical button, the calculation of color temperature and illumination is implemented here and interruption is enabled by lighting. Printing an event in the printEventSrc() function allows you to determine whether the optical button has been “pressed”.
The code was written to work with the Wisblock API and has been successfully tested.
Below is a code version for working with Arduino (I use platformio for compilation).
I’ve been wanting to build an optical button into my devices for a long time, so today I was happy!

// It use WB_IO2 to power up and is conflicting with INT1, so better use 
// in SlotA/SlotC/SlotD.

// Slot A      WB_IO1
// Slot B      WB_IO2 ( not recommended, pin conflict with IO2)
// Slot C      WB_IO3
// Slot D      WB_IO5
// Slot E      WB_IO4
// Slot F      WB_IO6

#define DEBUG_RGB  1
#define RAK_RGB_ID 1

#if RAK_RGB_ID > 0

#define INT_RGB WB_IO5
//#define INT_RGB WB_IO1

/* Sensor polling time for display */
#define INTERVAL_RGB 1000
#include <Arduino.h>

#if DEBUG_RGB > 0
#include <SPI.h>	// Needed for I2C to RGB
#include <Wire.h>	// Needed for I2C to RGB
/* Debug output set to 0 to disable app debug output */
#define MYLOG(tag, ...)                     \
	do                                      \
	{                                       \
		if (tag)                            \
			PRINTF("[%s] ", tag);           \
		PRINTF(__VA_ARGS__);                \
		PRINTF("\n");                       \
	} while (0)
#include "app.h"

#include "TCS3772.h"		// Click here to get the library: http://librarymanager/All#TCS37725
#include <math.h>

TCS3772 tcs3772;

volatile boolean g_threshold_exceeded = false;
volatile boolean button_pressed = false;

* @brief The Control register provides eight bits of miscellaneous control 
* to the analog block. These bits typically control functions such as gain
* settings and/or diode selection.
#define AUTO_INCREMENT          0xA0

bool setProximity(void)
    uint8_t val = 0;

    val = 0b00001100;
    /* Write register value back into CONTROL register */
    /* Control Register (0x0F) */
    if( Wire.endTransmission() != 0 ) {
        return false;
    return true;

 * Raw I2C Reads and Writes

void RGB_CallBack ()
  g_threshold_exceeded = true;

/* Clear channel Interrupt event */
void printEventSrc (void)
  uint8_t eventSrc = tcs3772.getInterruptSrc ();
  if( eventSrc & TCS3772_AINT)
    /* Clear channel Interrupt event */
	MYLOG("RGB", "<<<<< event %d >>>>>>", eventSrc);
  g_threshold_exceeded = false;
  tcs3772.clearAllInterrupt ();

* @brief Implements missing powf function
* @param x
* 	Base number
* @param y
* 	Exponent
* @return x raised to the power of y
float powf (const float x, const float y)
  return (float) (pow ((double) x, (double) y));

* @brief Converts the raw R/G/B values to color temperature in degrees Kelvin
* @param r
* 	Red value
* @param g
* 	Green value
* @param b
* 	Blue value
* @return Color temperature in degrees Kelvin
u_int16_t calculateColorTemperature (u_int16_t r2, u_int16_t g2, u_int16_t b2)
  float X, Y, Z;		// RGB to XYZ correlation 
  float xc, yc;			// Chromaticity co-ordinates 
  float n;			// McCamy's formula 
  float cct;

  if (r2 == 0 && g2 == 0 && b2 == 0)
      return 0;
/* Map RGB values to their XYZ counterparts. */
/* Based on 6500K fluorescent, 3000K fluorescent */
/* and 60W incandescent values for a wide range. */
/* Note: Y = Illuminance or lux */
  X = (-0.14282F * r2) + (1.54924F * g2) + (-0.95641F * b2);
  Y = (-0.32466F * r2) + (1.57837F * g2) + (-0.73191F * b2); // Illuminance 
  Z = (-0.68202F * r2) + (0.77073F * g2) + (0.56332F * b2);

/* 2. Calculate the chromaticity co-ordinates */
  xc = (X) / (X + Y + Z);
  yc = (Y) / (X + Y + Z);

/* 3. Use McCamy's formula to determine the CCT */
/* CCT = 449n3 + 3525n2  + 6823.3n + 5520.33 */
/* where n = (xc − 0.3320F) / (0.1858F − yc) */
  n = (xc - 0.3320F) / (0.1858F - yc);

/* Calculate the final CCT */
  cct =
    (449.0F * powf (n, 3)) + (3525.0F * powf (n, 2)) + (6823.3F * n) +

/* Return the results in degrees Kelvin */
  return (u_int16_t) cct;

* @brief Converts the raw R/G/B values to lux
* @param r
* 	Red value
* @param g
* 	Green value
* @param b
* 	Blue value
* @return Lux value
u_int16_t calculateLux (u_int16_t r2, u_int16_t g2, u_int16_t b2,  u_int16_t c)
  float lx;
     ms    luxmax       der
     50 134333.33   += 12.4
    100  67166.67   += 6.2
    150  44777.78   += 4.13
    200  33583.33   += 3.1
    250  26866.67   += 2.48
    300  22388.89   += 2.07
    350  19190.48   += 1.77
    400  16791.67   += 1.55
    450  14925.93   += 1.38
    500  13433.33   += 1.24
    550  12212.12   += 1.13
    600  11194.44   += 1.03
        /* Device specific values (DN40 Table 1 in Appendix I) */
        const float GA = 1.f;        // Glass Attenuation Factor
        static const float DF = 310.f;             // Device Factor
        static const float R_Coef = 0.136f;        //
        static const float G_Coef = 1.f;           // used in lux computation
        static const float B_Coef = -0.444f;       //

	/* Analog/Digital saturation (DN40 3.5) */
        int atime = 2.4 * 64;
        float saturation = (256 - atime > 63) ? 65535 : 1024 * (256 - atime);
        /* Check for saturation and mark the sample as invalid if true */
        if (c >= saturation)  return 0;

    // Lux calculations are also simple but have fractional coefficients.
    // One trick is to multiply the coefficients by 1000 making them integer 
    // values and using ATIME in microseconds (also an integer) to cancel out 
    // this multiplication.
    // Gi” = 136 * R’+ 1000 * G’ +(-444) * B’
    // Note that CPL is calculated only when the ATIME or AGAIN has changed. 
    // This is why it is shown as a separate calculation. 

    /* Lux Calculation (DN40 3.2) */

    // The color Lux equation is a function of the R’, G’ and B’ channels and 
    // associated color coefficients creating a G” as follows:
    // G” = R_Coef * R’ + G_Coef * G’ + B_Coef * B’ 

        float g1 = R_Coef * r2 + G_Coef * g2 + B_Coef * b2;

	/* Set the internal integration time as 2.4*64 ms. */
	// ATIME = 256 − Integration Time / 2.4 ms
	// ATIME = 192 = 256 - 153.6/2.4
	// Inversely, the time can be calculated from the register value as
	// follows: Integration Time = 2.4 ms × (256 − ATIME)

	/* CPL = (ATIME_ms * AGAINx) / (GA * DF) */
        float cpl = (2.4 * 64) / (GA * DF);
	/* Lux = G” / CPL */
        lx = g1 / cpl;
	// lx = (-0.32466F * r2) + (1.57837F * g2) + (-0.73191F * b2);
  return (u_int16_t) lx;

// Device  GA*  DF   R_Coef G_Coef  B_Coef  CT_Coef CT_Offset
// TCS3472 1.0  310  0.136  1.000  -0.444   3810    1391
// TCS3772 1.0  310  0.136  1.000  -0.444   3810    1391

u_int16_t calcTemperatureDN40 (u_int16_t r2, u_int16_t b2)
  float cct;
  /* Device specific values (DN40 Table 1 in Appendix I) */
  static const float CT_Coef = 3810.f;   // Color Temperature Coefficient
  static const float CT_Offset = 1391.f; // Color Temperatuer Offset

  /* CT Calculations (DN40 3.4) */
  // CT (degrees Kelvin) = CT_Coef*(B’/R’) + CT_Offset
  cct = (CT_Coef * b2) / r2 + CT_Offset;
  return (u_int16_t) cct;

bool init_rak12021 ()
    /* Sensor power switch */
    // pinMode(WB_IO2, OUTPUT);
    // digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);

    // TwoWire &wirePort = Wire;
    Wire.begin ();		//I2C init

     if (tcs3772.begin () == true)
     MYLOG ("TCS34725", "Found sensor TCS34725");

    // tcs3772.setProxLowThreshold(3);
    // tcs3772.setProxHighThreshold(255);
    // tcs3772.enableProxINT();

     tcs3772.setClearLowThreshold (10);
     tcs3772.setClearHighThreshold (1000);
     tcs3772.enableClearINT ();
     tcs3772.clearAllInterrupt ();
     pinMode (INT_RGB, INPUT_PULLUP); // Connect with TCS37725 INT1.
     attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (INT_RGB), RGB_CallBack, FALLING);
	/* No TCS34725 found */
     return false;
return true;

void read_rak12021 ()

  TCS3772_DataScaled tcs3772_data = { 0 };
  tcs3772_data = tcs3772.getMeasurement ();
  uint16_t r, g, b, c, p;
  u_int16_t cct0, cct1, lux;
  float sum, ir, r2, g2, b2;

      r =;
      g =;
      b =;
      c = tcs3772_data.clear;
      p = tcs3772_data.prox;

      // AMS RGB sensors have no IR channel, so the IR content must
      // be calculated indirectly.  IR Rejection (DN40 3.1) 
      // IR = (R+G+B-C) / 2
      sum = r + g + b;
      // ir = (r + g + b > c) ? (r + g + b - c) / 2.f : 0.f;
      ir = (sum > c) ? ((sum - c) / 2.f) : 0.f;
      r2 = r - ir;
      g2 = g - ir;
      b2 = b - ir;

	 r = (float)r / c * 255.0;
	 g = (float)g / c * 255.0;
	 b = (float)b / c * 255.0;

      lux = calculateLux (r2, g2, b2, c);
//      cct0 = calculateColorTemperature (r2, g2, b2);
      cct1 = calcTemperatureDN40 (r2, b2);
//      MYLOG("RGB", "Sensor %d'K  %d'K Lux %d' ", cct0, cct1, lux);
      MYLOG("RGB", "Sensor  %d'K Lux %d' ",  cct1, lux);
      MYLOG("RGB", "r %d' g %d' b  %d' dc' %d p' %d", r, g, b, c, p);

	  if(g_threshold_exceeded == true)
	        g_threshold_exceeded = false;

	    if (p == 0)
		  button_pressed = true;
#if DEBUG_RGB == 0
	g_solution_data.addLuminosity(LPP_CHANNEL_LUMINOSITY, lux);
	g_solution_data.addColour(LPP_CHANNEL_COLOUR, r, g, b);

#if DEBUG_RGB > 0
void setup()
/** Initialize Serial for debug output */

    pinMode(WB_IO2, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(WB_IO2, HIGH);

    time_t timeout = millis();
    while (!Serial)
	  if ((millis() - timeout) < 5000)
	  } else
    MYLOG("RGB", "Module initialization completed\n");

void loop()
    read_rak12021 ();

    if (button_pressed == true)
        MYLOG("RGB", "<<<<< Proximity sensor triggered >>>>>\n");
	button_pressed = false;

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