How to get 22 dBm transmit power with AS923?

Hello everyone,
As far as I know, when I use region AS923, the maximum TX power I can use is 16 dBm, is there any way I can achieve 22 dBm?

The LoRaWAN stack is limiting the TX power in AS923-3 to 16dBm.
You can only achieve higher TX power by changing the code.

Keep in mind that it is illegal to go above the maximum TX power for a region. Check your local regulations if more than 16dBm are allowed.

Thanks for the answer !

How can I change it to reach 22 dBm? I just want to test something within this limit, it doesn’t affect the region. Does RUI3 support this change? Or do I have to create my own code?

RUI3 does not support this change when using LoRaWAN.
With RUI3 V4.1.0 Open Source (just released), you could however change the source code to send with 22dBm in AS923

Where can I find RUI3 V4.1.0

The firmware image is in our Download Center

The BSP can be installed through ArduinoIDE as described in our Documentation Center

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