I Don see Rak10701 Display Issues

That is strange, if I put your payload into the decoder I am running on Datacake, it works.

Can you share the complete content of the webhook data you received:

In the network server settings in Datacake, did you select the correct Chirpstack version?

I chose the correct version

webhook data

Is the attached decoder the same you are using right now?
decoder.zip (1.8 KB)

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The encoder is working

Decoder still doesn’t work

I don’t know why, but your payload is wrong again.

This is not a problem with the Datacake decoder. Your RAK10701 sends a wrong payload.
The payload TFYuJA== ==> 4c 56 2e 24 is too short. It should be 10 bytes long.

I don’t know why it would do this.

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Is this Dev EUI from rak10701 ?

And what should i check from rak10701

You need to check in your RAK10701. I cannot (and should not) know the DevEUI

I checked devEUI , AppEUI,AppKey .it’s correct .can u utraview check wixtool box ?

and what is next step ?

Can you check the firmware version on your RAK10701?
I am using V1.1.2, which is the latest (I think).
Send through the WisToolBox console
It should return something like

Field TesterVersion: v1.1.2
Build Time  Feb 28 2024  19:54:29


I will try the actility platform. Do you have a guide on actitily ?

No we do not have a guide for Actility. Only TTN, Chirpstack and Loriot.

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I see error running payload decoer
Do you have another payload decoder ?

If rak10701 sends back 8 bit data.
Is it the manufacturer’s fault?
Can I change to another device?

I never saw that my device would send wrong payloads.
I think something else is wrong with your setup, but I can’t say what.

I run a two hours test this morning with the same firmware version, Chirpstack and Datacake and have no errors.

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Here is an alternative way to create a backend server for the RAK10701 Field Tester.

RAK10701 - Alternative backend server

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it worked. but the distance is wrong

This is from NodeRED Field Tester Service.
I guess a smaller change required.

Can you check the version of the field-tester-server you installed?
It is working for me.

(Same code, just different display and device)