Inconsistent uplinks

Issue :- Skipping of uplinks from the node to gateway.

Setup :-

Node : RAK3172 module

Gateway : Dragino LPS8N

Region : IN865

Antenna Gain :- 5dBi

Details :-


I have node and gateway setup with Lorawan Version 1.0.4 and Regional Parameters Version RP002-1.0.1. The node is sending uplinks at a frequency of 15 seconds (testing condition) to the gateway. But every now and then few uplinks get skipped. The node and the gateway both are set to IN865 region.
Both the node and gateway are placed near each other. I have attached the serial debug logs (left) and the chirpstack data (right) below.

What could be the issue?

Please check here ==> OTAA transmission failure problem - #4 by beegee

Seems to be the same question.

Thanks for your reply, but the issue is not regarding confirmed uplink. The node is sending unconfirmed uplinks every 15 seconds. The frame counter is incrementing correctly in the node, but the Chirpstack LNS is skipping some of the uplinks in between (this is visible in the attached image).
What might be the issue?

The reasons why an uplink is not received are basically the same.

  • node is too far from the gateway, gateway doesn’t receive the packets
  • node is too close to the gateway, which can lead to over-saturation of the signal and the packets are not received
  • network latency between the gateway and the LoRaWAN server