Hi, all.
I’m trying upload a sketch using Aruino addon on vscode and the firmware is not uploading. No error is output. Boards are installed and configure. The sketch is a simple LED blinking.
"sketch": "rak3172_arduino.ino",
"configuration": "debug=l0,supportat=1,supportlora=1,supportAS923=2,supportAU915=1,supportCN470=2,supportCN779=2,supportEU433=2,supportEU868=2,supportKR920=2,supportIN865=2,supportUS915=2,supportRU864=2,supportLA915=1",
"board": "rak_rui:stm32:WisDuoRAK3172EvaluationBoard",
"output": "build",
"port": "/dev/ttyUSB0"
Upload output em using “Arduino: upload”
[Starting] Uploading sketch 'rak3172_arduino.ino'
Please see the build logs in output path: /home/mario/codigo/31RA/rak3172_arduino/build
Sketch uses 133864 bytes (66%) of program storage space. Maximum is 200704 bytes.
Global variables use 29152 bytes (59%) of dynamic memory, leaving 19488 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 48640 bytes.
IntelliSense configuration already up to date. To manually rebuild your IntelliSense configuration run "Ctrl+Alt+I"
[Done] Uploading sketch 'rak3172_arduino.ino'
With this output, I believe upload is ok, but the code in the board is a old one test I did (using STM programmer).
I have a error when trying upload using “Arduino CLI: upload”
[Starting] Uploading using Arduino CLI sketch 'rak3172_arduino.ino'
Please see the build logs in output path: /home/mario/codigo/31RA/rak3172_arduino/build
Error: unknown flag: --build-path
arduino-cli upload [flags]
/home/mario/.vscode/extensions/vsciot-vscode.vscode-arduino-0.6.0-linux-x64/assets/platform/linux-x64/arduino-cli/arduino-cli.app upload /home/user/Arduino/MySketch
--board-options strings List of board options separated by commas. Or can be used multiple times for multiple options.
--discovery-timeout duration Max time to wait for port discovery, e.g.: 30s, 1m (default 1s)
-b, --fqbn string Fully Qualified Board Name, e.g.: arduino:avr:uno
-h, --help help for upload
--input-dir string Directory containing binaries to upload.
-i, --input-file string Binary file to upload.
-p, --port string Upload port address, e.g.: COM3 or /dev/ttyACM2
-m, --profile string Sketch profile to use
-P, --programmer string Programmer to use, e.g: atmel_ice
-l, --protocol string Upload port protocol, e.g: serial
-t, --verify Verify uploaded binary after the upload.
Global Flags:
--additional-urls strings Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
--config-file string The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
--format string The output format for the logs, can be: text, json, jsonmini, yaml (default "text")
--log-file string Path to the file where logs will be written.
--log-format string The output format for the logs, can be: text, json
--log-level string Messages with this level and above will be logged. Valid levels are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
--no-color Disable colored output.
-v, --verbose Print the logs on the standard output.
unknown flag: --build-path
[Warning] Failed to generate IntelliSense configuration.
[Error] Uploading using Arduino CLI sketch 'rak3172_arduino.ino': Exit with code=1
I didn’t find anything on documentations or other forums.
Thank you for your time!