Number of analog ports on the 3172 family


I understand that today, the practical limitation with the whole 3172 family is 2 analog ports. Do you have plans to provide firmwares in the future to increase this value ?
Or do you rather have plans to provide new hardware for people needing more than 2 analog ports ?
Or do you plan not to address that part of the market ?


Hi @xornix ,

We already extended Analog inputs of RAK3172. These five should be useable.

Thanks for the quick answer. What about:

  • the associated breakout ? Do you think these 5 will be made available there ?
  • the 3172-SIP and 3272-SIP?


On RAK3272 breakout board, unfortunately, it is not accessible.
On RAK3272-SiP, few ADC input pins are available.

Yes, I understand that but thanks for the confirmation. The question is: do you think it could evolve in the future with some software updates (potentially a specific version of the firmware for people having specific needs in this regards)? And if the response is no, then do you think you will make hardware that will support more of these ADC ports, including in the breakout versions?

BTW, I think you meant inaccessible in your first sentence.


I have to confirm with the team if other pinouts can still be remapped to have analog input.

PS, you are correct. What I mean is “not accessible”.

Eagerly waiting for their feedback. Thanks.


Did you get any feedback?

Hi @xornix ,

I will revisit with them again. Please do note that there are already 5 ADC pins available. If more is needed, maybe considering an external ADC chip with multiple channel is a practical approach as well.

Yes, I think 5 is enough. But I meant if there is any chance they will be made also available on other modules like the 3272-SIP?

Yes. It is available on RAK3172-SiP as well :+1:

Yes but I mentionned the 3272-SiP, not the 3172-SiP :grinning:. If I am not mistaken, that’s the breakout module of the 3172-SiP. Do you plan on having the 5 Analog available there too with a software upgrade ?

So, to answer my own question, I understand it is already the case on 3272-SiP. Here are the 5 PINs:
A0 PB3
A1 PB4
A2 PB2
A3 PA10
A4 PA15

Sorry for not looking before asking the question. Well, at least it will be easy for anyone having the same question to find the answer.

Yes. That is correct @xornix . I didn’t know you are not aware of those pins yet. That is the reason why I told in my previous reply that on RAK3272-SiP, some of those pins are accessible. In RAK3272, all analog pin can’t be accessed.


Yeah, you’re right I missed it. Thanks a lot for the patient support.