Is the AT commands of RUI3 working? AT, AT+VER=?, etc. shows good reply?
Also, this part is not relevant to RUI3 Programmer: AVRISP mkll. I think this should not show if you select the WisDuo RAK3172 Evaluation Board in your Arduino IDE.
I am not sure what happened. If the baudrate is set at 11200, UART2-COM port ok and jumpers wires 100% solid but still got no replies, let’s proceed on uploading the HEX firmware file to get a fresh module working.
Please upload this firmware (.hex) using STCubeProgrammer then you can try again sending AT commands to UART2.
The .bin only contains the application code. The .hex contains both bootloader + application code.
Based on your previous message, it looks like things got messy since you upload a .bin file using STM32CubeProgrammer. I don’t want to go deep on the processes you’ve been to so I just suggested to make the device fresh (as if new) by uploading the .hex.
Btw, how’s your experience with RUI3 so far? Any upside and downside?