RAK free cloud LoRaServer for testing!

I’d like to use the cloud LoRaServer,
application : [email protected]+CN470+6months
Thank you!

Hi @Viens,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check.

Got it, thank you very much!

Fomi Tong via RAKwireless Forum [email protected] 于2019年7月12日周五 下午6:53写道:

I’d like to use the cloud LoRaServer,
[email protected]+EU868+3months.

Hi @xiaoyu,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check.

Hi @Fomi
I have received it,Thank you very much!
Good luck!

Hi i would like to test the Loraserver with my RAK 7249:

simzik+ info [at] iot-plan.de + EU868 + 6Month

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @simzik,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check.:slight_smile:

Hi, I’d like access please …

Name: Pat Molloy
Email: [email protected]
Freq: EU868
Duration: 12 months
Hardware: RPi + IC880a


I would like apply.

email: ori(at)enteris.ai

6 month


Hi @Ori,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check it.

Thanks, how do I connect my RAK7258 to it? its unclear from the docs which are for Raspberry PI…


Name: narta
Email: info @ abzeh . com
Freq: EU868
Duration: 3 months
Hardware: RPi + RAK831

Hi @nart,

I just sent an email to you, please check it.

hi, @Fomi
I’d like to use the cloud LoRaServer,
application : [email protected]+us915+4months


Hi @johan_rise,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check it. :slight_smile:

tk , I have received it,Thank you very much!

Thank you Fomi,

2019-08-04 16:24, Fomi Tong via RAKwireless Forum yazmış:

Hi there, I also have a lot of other RAK equipment I’d like to test with please … RAK5205 tracker and RAK7258 gateway. Can you give me a login please?

Hi @patmolloy,

Sure, we will be happy to give you a login. Please give me some information in the following format:
“your name” + “your email” + “the frequency you want to use” + “how long you want to hold this account” + “your RAK LoRa product picture”.