RAK online compiler for you to compile your customized firmware based on RUI

Hi @mojtabazare1371,

Sorry for late.
Please check your email.

I’d like to try out the new RUI on-line compiler…

Hi @ws94301,

Please show me “your name” + “your email” + “your RAK IoT module/product picture”.

[email protected]
RAK811 wisNode.

Hi @ws94301,

I’m sorry, but i can’t see the content.
Can you please post “your name” + “your email” + “your RAK IoT module/product picture” again?

Hi @rushabh.sudame,

I’ve just sent you an email, please check it.

Hi @Fomi,

I am getting response: Bad status: 400 when trying to login on given IP address.

Hi @rushabh.sudame,

I’ve tried with the account and password i sent to you, and it works well.

Do you use Putty to login it through SSH? Can you show me the screenshot?

Hi @Fomi,

Not tried from Putty, I tried to login through your web page.

Hi @rushabh.sudame

Please try to login using Putty.
I’ve written it in my document which i sent to you in email. :slight_smile:

Hi @Fomi Hi

I would like to apply for the online compiller

Francisco Marquez

[email protected]


Hello @Fomi Are you there ?? Please I need your help

best ragards

Hello @Fomi,

Today after compilation message got, “Your compilation request is in second place, please continue to wait.”. After waiting for 1 hr still file is not compiled.


We have removed you from the waiting queue, you can try again.

[email protected]
RAK811 RAK5205

Hi @uy0ll,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check it.

I tried to compile, but after first compilation were created empty “build-” folder, for the 2-nd attempt I got message “Your compilation request is in third place, please continue to wait”. Please, clear the waiting queue for me.

If you are in the waiting queue for a long time, execute the “rak_rui_build stop” command before executing the compile operation.

Hi @plachira,

I’ve just sent an email to you, please check it.

Hi, please contact us for RAK5205
[email protected]
[email protected]