RAK2013 + RAK2245 mikrobus

Hi, i have bought a raspberry pi 3b+, rak2245 and rak2013 EG95-NA individually for a LoRaWAN gateway.

I can connect raspberry pi + rak2245 + WIFI and its ok.
I can connect raspberry pi + rak2013 EG95-NA and its ok i have conectivity.

But when i connect raspberry pi 3b+ rak2245 + rak2013 EG95-NA the LTE connection get down.

I think the rak2013 is running mikrobus but i don’t know how to disable.
Someone know?
Thank you.

Hi @ecoloch. Sorry to inform you, but RAK2245 and RAK2013 are not compatible to work at the same time. They both use same uart. The RAK2245 module in RAK7243/7244 Gateways uses i2c for the GPS to not conflict with the RAK2013 communication.

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@velev Thank you so much.
Can i buy another rak LTE for this ?

I will discuss with the team, and contact you asap.

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