RAK2245 Set to send to server

I have set up application, network and gateway separate from RAK2245 to install it on the server.
Can I send the information or not, and if so, will we know that the information has actually been sent?

1.I am using RAK2245 PI HAT + Raspberry Pi 3


You need to refer this doc:

I made the settings according to the document but it shows Never.


Can you tell me which server you connect to?

I have opened another Ubuntu server, which is very far away, but I want to send LoRa through the server, is that possible?

But what about your server?
You only send data by server,You have set up this server or using built-in network server?

I have rented another server and have already installed chirpstack.

Dear @tommestep ,

You can send data and check log by chirpstack!

But there is no information sent I don’t understand what settings are wrong, but if you do it, Localhost can send it. I’m sorry if I don’t understand Because I am a beginner to use LoRa.


Please refer this web:https://www.chirpstack.io/project/guides/debian-ubuntu/
Maybe you need to change frequcy.


  1. I am using RAK2245 connect to Raspberry Pi3 and install packet forwarder
  2. I have rented server CAT telecom for open server, and install ubuntu server do install chirpstack application, chirpstack network and chirpstack gateway bridge insert to server via Docker.I’m config Gateway Profiles, Network servers, Service profiles, Device profiles, Gateways and Applications everything was set up. but Gateways shows Never


You are great!
But you have any node to send data? Gateway have configure success, last step,you need configure node!

Yes, I have
I have a node set to send data but it cannot be sent. I waiting to data 30 min.

This is the localhost transmission. It has information sent in But if I send it through the ubuntu server, no data has been sent.

How does that work? I’m sorry I didn’t make myself clear.

  1. First Node send to data for RAK2245.
  2. When RAK2245 accept data out of Node. RAK2245 will do send data up to ubuntu server
  3. ubuntu install chirpstack will do accept data.
  4. we can see information on Chirpstack Brower from IP

I don’t know how to explain this, will you understand?

Node > RAK2245 > server > chirpstack Browser

Again, how does the Ubuntu server send data?

Oh sorry, ubuntu receive data from RAK2245 and show on the Browser

Dear @tommestep,

This step have complete !
Are You?

But no information sent to ubuntu.