RAK2270 Development Kit

Ken Yu replied to one of my Linkedin posts here about the possibility of a RAK2270 Development Kit!


@carlrowan Can we talk about it before it gets launched? (I am not sure about ken’s or Jose hashtag on this site perhaps you can add them.)

As a teacher I would probably order 10 barebones RAK2270 boards without the batteries as shown in the kit. That would be awesome. I would probably order about 3 full kits as I don’t really need the rig and really don’t need 15 rigs, but understand that other teacher’s might want the class set.

What would really be interesting is the barebones board with the IMU and a GNSS (GPS) I see that the board has spots for a few more components. Does anyone know what those spots are for and how to purchase the chips? That would be a really exciting project for my students to get GPS working with theses boards. Even soldering the chips to the boards would be a great project.

Reminder there is a long community discussion about the RAK2270 Sticker Tracker here

I have already got machine learning working with the RAK2270StickerTracker for IMU motion x,y,z but the memory constraints make it only able to do P2P LoRa not full LoRaWan yet. I am still working on this so it is not yet ready for others.

I am part of the tinyML4D admin group and would really like to start using this product with some developing country universities but it is not really ready yet. Also difficult to get everything working on windows but it works great on linux.

Any thoughts about the two (yellow line) locations in the image above and how to get chips that would connect with those locations and possibly work without any/many changes to the bootloader.

Hi @jerteach ,I’m a software development engineer, I’m glad you like this product. Made some marks in the picture explaining the model of the chip.


This is the datasheet of the chip, currently our firmware does not have these features, so there is no welding.

SHTC3.pdf (777.6 KB)
ATECC608A.pdf (327.9 KB)
bmx160.pdf (2.5 MB)

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As for GPS, this hardware version is not yet supported, because in the product hardware design, we took into account that the power consumption of GPS will be relatively high, requiring a larger battery, and the antenna also needs to be designed, so in order to 2270 as thin as paper, no GPS was added. However, we are also interested in considering adding GPS in later hardware versions.This can meet more usage scenarios.


@Daniel thank you so much for clarifying those locations. I thought they were empty for future expansion. :grinning:

The $14 USD cost is what makes it interesting for students, especially in developing countries. If GPS could be put on a the sticker and remove the battery or have a rechargeable battery and/or solar panel, but as the price goes up, they become less interesting.

I know for my Machine Learning motion (x,y,z) setup the present battery would not last very long.

Thanks again!

The link to get this is at RAK2270 Developer bar bones board is at


I assume the clip is the one in the above image. I want to order a few of them can someone confirm this @carlrowan

The clip above looks like it has many wires. it is hard to tell if it has a USB cable for direct connection to a computer. Does anyone have an image of the “clip” and it’s connections.

Hi @jerteach ,

The wires connected to the clip are just header jumper wires. They are connected to the pogo pins in the clip.

The other end is not connected to anything.

But you can connect it to USB-Serial converter or external debugger/programming tools like jlink, stlink, rakdap1, etc.

The pins it connects to are on UART2 line for UART bootloading and SWD pins,

Darn I thought they were connected to a serial port, so that adds another cost, Thinking about it, bare pins make sense so I can connect it to whatever serial converter or debugger I have. I guess the RakDap1 is the best thing to get but any serial converter would probably work.

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