RAK3172 and RAK7268 issues with Class B +BC:FAILED

There are some topics around Class B with RAK3172 and discussions around GPS time and so on. Is there a chance or any way, after all, to have Class B functioning with RAK3172 and RAK7268?

I bought the RAK7268 (although some years ago) in the hope that it will work nicely with other RAK products like the RAK3172.

If not what is your suggestion to replace the RAK7268 with?

I am using the latest firmware version on both RAK3172 and RAK7268.

Thank you

Class B requires the gateway to have a GPS module and a valid GPS signal.
The RAK7268 does not have GPS and it cannot be equipped with a GPS.
It is not about the location, it is about the time it receives from the GPS.

I never got Class B to work on a RAK7258 or a RAK7268/RAK7268V2. Not with the RAK3172 nor with other LoRaWAN nodes.

You can use our WisGate Outdoor Gateway. It has GPS - Industrial outdoor LoRaWAN gateway, LoRa Gateway, 8 channel LoRa Gateway