RAK3172 Custom Firmware


Can anyone share custom firmware for RAK3172 STM? I’m just looking for examples.



You can create custom firmware using RUI3 or STM32CubeIDE.

We both have available guides for that:

RUI3 for RAK3172
STM32CubeIDE for RAK3172

Soon STM32Duino will support RAK3172 as well. I saw the PR was merged yesterday. Another options for our users to create custom firmware. I am not sure though if that is well optimized for low-power mode.

Thanks @carlrowan ,

But i already know RUI3 and STM32CubeIDE guides. I need some example codes for custom firmwares.

I am not sure what you mean with examples.

For RUI3, you can see it in Arduino IDE once you install it in board manager.

For STM32CubeIDE, STmicroelectronics provide several examples for STM32WL chip.

If you are looking for RUI3 examples, they are within the BSP. Select the RAK3172 as board, then open File ==> Examples

Other examples (no guarantee they all work, some of them are not maintained for some time)


and more in my Github account.

No, i don’t mean RUI3. I mean low-level development examples. Which are may developed with STM32Cube IDE or etc. Better that if this example code has P2P communication.

Thanks but i don’t mean RUI3. I mean low-level development examples. Which are may developed with STM32Cube IDE or etc. Better that if this example code has P2P communication.

As we are not using the STM32Cube IDE, we do not have examples for it.
You might have a look into the STM32WL SDK v1.0.0 (or the newer versions). As far as I know there are examples for both LoRa P2P and LoRaWAN.



Actually, my question was for users who have done low level development with STM32Cube IDE, rather than authorities.

Perhaps you should check in the community forum of STM32 manufacturer :wink: Home - STMicroelectronics Community
Not sure what you mean by authorities but sample codes in STM32 IDE are ones done by the manufacturer of the microprocessor !

In this forum, I want people who have developed low-level software on the RAK3172 before, to post their software samples. I don’t understand where is wrong?

I ported the STM32WL FW example to RAK3172 as a re-configurable application (the same as any other STM32Cube application).

It’s currently at FW 1.2 - I think ST has a 1.3 release I need to upgrade to.

danak6jq/RAK3172: Port of STM32WLxx example for RAK3172 (github.com)


Thanks a lot for share, will try to compile it with ST Dev GUI and upload in one of my RAK3172 :slight_smile:

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Thanks for post. I’ll try.

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This github repo by @danak6jq deserves some stars :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :clap:


You’re very welcome. I haven’t updated the repo in some time, it’s a bit of a science experiment but I did develop a deployed product from it. I expect to develop a major update for that product line soon, I’ll try to upstream updates into the repo (like ST’s FW v1.3).

Any questions, ping me here or on GitHub.

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