Module: RAK3172
RUI3 V4.1.1
AT commands on UART2
Unconfirmed uplinks
The application on host controller is sending an uplink on every 10 minutes. Sporadically there is an extra uplink between the regular 10 minutes.
I found out the extra uplink is not comming from my application (there is no AT command on serial line), but possibly generated by RAK3172.
It is a copy of last uplink, with the same frame counter, thus generation a warning in the network server (Everynet).
After this extra uplink the next 10min payload is sent correctly, frame counter incremented.
Please, what is the reason for this unforeseen uplink and same frame counter?
Any suggestion on how to solve it?
Are you using confirmed packet mode? In that case, it can be the packet didn’t went through.
Beside of the same frame counter, what is the fPort used for this uplink? If it is fPort 0, it could be a status message requested by the LNS, e.g. in Chirpstack:
I talked to the LNS company, follow their evaluation:
The LNS is configured to discard repeated messages.
The messages have different “packet_id”, that means they are different messages.
According to them the “packet_id” is generated by the device.
Their suspect is the LoRaWAN stack, in the device, is somehow duplicating the message and sending it some short time later…
Enable debug output on the RAK3172 with AT+DEBUG=1
If the RAK3172 is sending the packet twice, you will see it in the UART log output.
I am using RAK3172’s in multiple devices around my house and I do not see the device sending messages on it’s own. I am convinced what you see are the same packet coming from two gateways.
Since December I am trying to get a feedback from the network provider about this issue. No return so far… The duplicated message still happening from time to time.