RAK3172. Error: Detect baudrate fail, can not get the baudrate on Arduino IDE

Hi, everyone!

I’m workig with a RAK3172 using de Arduino IDE. I tried to use a TSL2561 to read luminosity with this library. It Compiled ok, then uploaded it to my board but it didn’t work (Nothing comes to the Serial Monitor) then I tried to upload another program I knwo it work correctly (the RAK analog read example) but then i got this error:

Since then, I can’t no longer upload any code to my boards. This happend to 3 of my RAK3172. I tried to reset the board before upload but still the same.

Can you please tell me if there is any way to “erraese” this uploaded code from my rak3172 modules or anything I can do to repair them.

Thanks in advance!

Here is the code i uploaded

#include <Digital_Light_TSL2561.h>

void setup()
  // initialize serial communication at 115200 bits per second
  Serial.println("RAKwireless Light Sensor");

void loop()

  Serial.print("The Light value is: ");

Hi @ezroch ,

Can you try to send AT or AT+VER=? to see if your device is still responding to AT commands?

If you want a fresh start, you can always reupload the RUI3 firmware - RAK3172 Module Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center

Hi, @carlrowan

Thanks, for your quick response.

I tried to use the firmware upgrade tool, but I the serial port is not recognized by the tool or any other software i’ve tried

I also try with WisToolBox and it did not recognize

Can you please help me to recover these modules? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hello @ezroch
When nothing works you can still try using ST-Link tool and download the hex firmware using STM32CubeProgrammer.

ST-Link connection

ST-Link hex firmware

1 Like


Where can I find all the hex firmware for RAK3172?


Nevemind, found it!


Hello @hunghp
Link to all firmware version:

Instructions to upgrade:

I have the same issue,
Before everything is good, I can upload my code.
But after someday, it still prints via Serial2 (string im uploaded before) but detects baud failure when im upload a new code.

Hello how are you, I have the same problem and I would like to know if there was a feasible solution to the problem. Did it work to load the firmware again with the stm32CubeProgrammer? Did this work?

hello community, I managed to solve this problem, using the stm32CUbeprogrammer software provided in STM32CubeProg - STM32CubeProgrammer software for all STM32 - STMicroelectronics , You must download the latest firmware of the module which can be found at index - powered by h5ai v0.30.0 (https://larsjung.de/h5ai/) ,In my case, it generated an error related to the fact that the boot mode of the device had to be activated, for this I implemented the connection between the 3.3V output to the boot pin and reconnected the module to the computer, This way it was able to connect with the device, and it is only to download the .hex or .bin file. the device can be used again later.