RAK3172 ioc for STM32 STM32WLE5CCUx

Can you please share a ioc to be used with the LoRaWAN_End_Node example?
I want to activate the I2C. When i try to activate is using the ioc from the example, there are wrong pins configuration.
As i can understand RAK3172 uses different MCU that the NUCLEO-WL55JC1

Hi @lorawanAdapter ,

What STM32CubeIDE guide do you use? What LoRaWAN Middleware version? v1.0.0 or v1.1.0?

We do not have ioc file for RAK3172. We directly update the radio related source file. So you need to setup first all the peripherals you need on the STM32CUBEMX before updating the radio files. Else, it will be overwritten everytime you will update the .ioc file.

I have used the v1.0.0 But i cannot use the I2C, all 3 of the I2C from the ioc (LoRaWAN_End_Node.ioc) have wrong pins names/numbers

Take the right chip W55E5CC, then you can use the I2C2-pins on the board (PA11, PA12).


Like what @Schulz said, have you selected the right chip? It should be STM32WLE5CCU6.

Hi yes i have selected the correct chip.
I have created a Git repository with my current version of the ioc file. GitHub - glompos21/LoraWAN_RAK3172

I cannot join to my LoraWan network (use ChirpStack).
The server accepts the join request but the RAK3172 does not receives it and return IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT. But i can connect to the same Lora network when i follow the guild for # RAK3172 Module Low Level Development Reference
Can somehow increase the timeout ?

[21:41:03:670] APP_VERSION:        V1.1.0
[21:41:03:678] MW_LORAWAN_VERSION: V2.3.0␍␊
[21:41:03:678] MW_RADIO_VERSION:   V1.1.0␍␊
[21:41:03:683] ###### OTAA ######␍␊
[21:41:03:689] ###### AppKey:      2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:41:03:695] ###### NwkKey:      2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:41:03:699] ###### ABP  ######␍␊
[21:41:03:704] ###### AppSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:41:03:716] ###### NwkSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:41:03:716] ###### DevEui:  5F:2D:35:52:4D:42:B0:D0␍␊
[21:41:03:732] ###### AppEui:  01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01␍␊
[21:41:03:732] ###### DevAddr: 00:13:F1:9B␍␊
[21:41:03:732] 0s028:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:05:183] 1s466:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:41:10:366] 6s491:RX_1 on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:10:563] 6s682:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:10:567] 6s682:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊
[21:41:11:396] 7s491:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:11:594] 7s682:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:11:596] 7s682:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊
[21:41:11:606] ␍␊
[21:41:11:606] ###### = JOIN FAILED␍␊
[21:41:14:012] 10s029:VDDA= 0␍␊
[21:41:14:018] 10s033:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:15:500] 11s470:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:41:20:684] 16s495:RX_1 on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:20:881] 16s686:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:20:884] 16s686:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊
[21:41:21:714] 17s495:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:21:911] 17s686:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:21:913] 17s686:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊
[21:41:21:932] ␍␊
[21:41:21:932] ###### = JOIN FAILED␍␊
[21:41:24:326] 20s029:VDDA= 0␍␊
[21:41:24:336] 20s033:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:25:814] 21s470:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:41:30:999] 26s495:RX_1 on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:31:195] 26s686:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:31:201] 26s686:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊
[21:41:32:029] 27s495:RX_2 on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:41:32:226] 27s686:IRQ_RX_TX_TIMEOUT␍␊
[21:41:32:235] 27s686:MAC rxTimeOut␍␊

From the RAK3172 Module Low Level Development Reference

[21:51:47:522] APP_VERSION:        V1.1.0␍␊
[21:51:47:528] MW_LORAWAN_VERSION: V2.3.0␍␊
[21:51:47:528] MW_RADIO_VERSION:   V1.1.0␍␊
[21:51:47:535] ###### OTAA ######␍␊
[21:51:47:543] ###### AppKey:      2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:51:47:548] ###### NwkKey:      2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:51:47:555] ###### ABP  ######␍␊
[21:51:47:555] ###### AppSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:51:47:562] ###### NwkSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C␍␊
[21:51:47:573] ###### DevEui:  5F:2D:35:52:4D:42:B0:D0␍␊
[21:51:47:573] ###### AppEui:  01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01␍␊
[21:51:47:573] ###### DevAddr: 00:13:F1:9B␍␊
[21:51:47:582] 0s028:TX on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:51:49:035] 1s512:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:51:54:059] 6s537:RX_1 on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:51:55:876] 8s354:MAC rxDone␍␊
[21:51:55:879] ␍␊
[21:51:55:889] ###### = JOINED = OTAA =====================␍␊
[21:51:57:748] 10s227:Temp: 65535 RH: 65535 1233 ␍␊
[21:51:58:249] 10s728:temp= 21␊
[21:51:58:252] ␍10s728:VDDA= 254␍␊
[21:51:58:264] 10s732:TX on freq 867100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:51:58:264] 10s733:SEND REQUEST␍␊
[21:51:59:901] 12s380:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:52:00:927] 13s405:RX_1 on freq 867100000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:52:02:251] 14s730:MAC rxDone␍␊
[21:52:02:272] ␍␊
[21:52:02:272] ###### ========== MCPS-Confirm =============␍␊
[21:52:02:272] ␍␊
[21:52:02:272] ###### ========== MCPS-Indication ==========␍␊
[21:52:07:748] 20s227:Temp: 65535 RH: 65535 1233 ␍␊
[21:52:08:249] 20s728:temp= 20␊
[21:52:08:253] ␍20s728:VDDA= 254␍␊
[21:52:08:266] 20s732:TX on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:52:08:266] 20s733:SEND REQUEST␍␊
[21:52:09:901] 22s380:MAC txDone␍␊
[21:52:10:926] 23s405:RX_1 on freq 868300000 Hz at DR 0␍␊
[21:52:12:250] 24s730:MAC rxDone␍␊

Hi @lorawanAdapter ,

Does your .ioc file now work without the radio source file modifications?

What are the difference on the two logs you shared? It seems the RX1 delay is ok (at 5 seconds). RX2 delay is fine as well (1 sec after RX1).

Hi @carlrowan

The first log file (JOIN FAILED) was generated with my .ioc , autogenerated code and replace the radio_conf.h, radio_board_if.h and radio_board_if.c from Low Level Development zip.

The second log file (JOINED = OTAA) was generated following the example from Low Level Development

Both test were contacted with the same board

Hmm. I am a bit lost. The source files used on both methods you did are the same. What is the difference on the first log file? Did you implement other logic or peripherals?

I got it working from the auto generated code from the ioc

Thanks for sharing your project @lorawanAdapter .

Your work seems to be implemented in LoRaWAN middleware v1.1.0. Any changes you implemented to make it work?

I have created a new brunch with a tutorial on what to do after you autogenerate project to be able to compile GitHub - glompos21/LoraWAN_RAK3172 at tutorial

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