I have a simple question on this subject, RAK3172-T is available?
In the past, when we bought a few hundred RAK3172, we got the RAK3172-E variant because there was no TCXO available.
Is it possible to buy the RAK3172-T variant (with TCXO) nowadays? And if yes, there is price difference?
Could it also solve problem where intermittent power cycles cause parameters like DEVEUI, APPEUI, APPKEY to be zeroed? (I think i saw a similar problem somewhere on this forum… )
It occured on previous fw v4.0.3, when after full chip erase, BL + FW uploading (st-link) and setting DEVEUI,APPEUI etc, after random intermittent power cycles i noticed that these values was all set to zero and parameters like DCS and LPM was returned to their default values. I was able to reproduce this issue a few times.
But since fw 4.0.5, i didnt notice such an issue and all parameters are saved correctly even after numerous tries.
I’ve seen the same problem @Matejisko, at least with versions below v4.0.1. It was very annoying and usually happens when I’m developing the firmware of our product (circumstances where I end up turning ON and OFF a lot the PCB where RAK3172 is).
I’m already using v4.0.5 for development and haven’t seen any key loss yet.
I have more questions on this subject, and I’m not sure I understood what you said here:
But if you need it as a WisBlock Core module, you have to contact us on [email protected]. We did not plan to offer the RAK3172-T as Core module yet.
We have been in contact with [email protected] to buy our first 250 RAK3172 (was some moths ago). At the time, only RAK3172 without TCXO was available.
We use RAK3172 as a AT module communicating with a main microcontroller, it is possible to buy a RAK3172-T for this kind of application?
What are the advantages of using RAK3172-T instead of RAK3172-E? The use of TCXO instead of an oscillator.