I wanted to ask about LINKCHECK on the RAK3172, up until and when using RAK4270 I was using a CONFIRM message in order to know if the device was still connected or not. Normally messages where unconfirmed but every certaind amount of messages I would a confirmed message in order to make sure the server is getting the uplinks.
Would AT+LINKCHECK make this easier? Are we suppose to use this instead?
What would be the approach when using AT+LINKCHECK?Shall I have normally disabled and only enable it every certain messages?
What would be the advantage between this and using confirm?
The idea will be to implement the most low power solution posible, rak3172 is set for autosleep.
LinkCheck gives you more information than a confirmed payload. Other than that, there is no much difference. Since these are both downlinks, they shouldn’t be used frequently just like how you do it now on RAK4270.
When it comes to command, you just need to use AT+LINKCHECK=1 to have a downlink linkcheck only on the next uplink. Seems easier than enabling AT+CFM=1 which you need to disable again AT+CFM=0.
There is no counter CFS counter part on LINKCHECK. In case that you have no need to check the LinkCheck parameters, your current approach might still be the practical one.