RAK3172 Lora P2P STM32CubeIDE receiving problem

Hello, i want to send and receive data from the RAK3172 Module to the heltec ESP32. The sending process is working but it doesnt receive anything. The frequency is 433Mhz. I am working with the STMCubeIDE, that demands the Lora bandwidth, Lora spreading factor and Lora coding rate. What values do i need to write in?

Welcome to the forum @toka

You have to setup exactly the same parameters you are using on your Heltec device.
LoRa P2P needs the following settings:

SF (spreading factor
BW (bandwidth)
CR (coding Rate)
Preamble length

All these parameters must be the same on the sender and receiver side.

Side Note
Unless you have a RAK3272(L) version for EU433, you might experience range problems. The “standard” RAk3172 is tuned for frequencies between 830 and 930 MHz and will not perform very well on 433 Mhz

Thank you. Where can I find the parameters to the Heltec device?

You have to check the Heltec documentation, I don’t know that device.

Allright, thank you.