RAK3172 -Not Receiving JOIN RESPONSE


I have RAK3172 breakout board and using STM32CubeIDE to do low level development. I followed this guide [RAK3172 Module Low Level Development Reference | RAKwireless Documentation Center] and work with Milesight UG model as a LoRaWAN concentrator with Region AS923-1, RX2 Channel Frequency = 923.4 DR2 on both RAK3172 and UG. Following are the outputs of both RAK3172 and UG. Obviously, UG already sent out the JOIN Acceptance msg but RAK3172 does not receive it. I already verified on functions SUBGHZ_Radio_IRQHandler() & HAL_SUBGHZ_IRQHandler(&hsubghz), it indeeds does not generate any received interrupt. Question is there any else i need to check? (note: i already copied and verified these files are modified based on link above: radio_board_if.c , radio_board_if.h , and radio_conf.h


JSON up: {"rxpk":[{"jver":1,"tmst":3782460598,"time":"2023-06-30T04:45:25.738772Z","tmms":1372135543738,"chan":1,"rfch":0,"freq":923.400000,"mid": 8,"stat":1,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF10BW125","codr":"4/5","rssis":-44,"lsnr":14.5,"foff":-5694,"rssi":-43,"size":23,"data":"AAEBAQEBAQEBfigI/v8JH6w0a2dCBwg="}]}
data [00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 7e 28 08 fe ff 09 1f ac 34 6b 67 42 07 08  ]
Message_Type = Join Request
MHDR         = 00
Major        = 00
APPEUI       = 0101010101010101
DevEUI       = <<<STRIPPED>>>>
DevNonce     = 6b34
MIC          = 67420708

JSON down: {"txpk":{"imme":false,"tmst":3787460598,"freq":923.4,"rfch":0,"powe":16,"modu":"LORA","datr":"SF10BW125","codr":"4/5","ipol":true,"size":17,"data":"IEaxM4W6hDcUprkrR5CZu/8=","brd":0,"ant":0}}
data [20 46 b1 33 85 ba 84 37 14 a6 b9 2b 47 90 99 bb ff  ]
Message_Type = Join Accept
MHDR         = 20
Major        = 00
INFO: [down] PULL_ACK received in 0 ms
sx1250 27 rf_power: 16 idx: 10 pa: 1 ur_pa: 10


L2_SPEC_VERSION:     V1.0.3
RP_SPEC_VERSION:     V1-1.0.3
###### AppKey:      <<<STRIPPED>>>>
###### NwkKey:      2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### AppSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### NwkSKey:     2B:7E:15:16:28:AE:D2:A6:AB:F7:15:88:09:CF:4F:3C
###### DevEUI:      <<<STRIPPED>>>>
###### AppEUI:      01:01:01:01:01:01:01:01
###### DevAddr:     05:55:D4:4A
0s127:TX on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
0s512:MAC txDone
5s502:RX_1 on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
5s572:MAC rxTimeOut
6s502:RX_2 on freq 923400000 Hz at DR 2
6s572:MAC rxTimeOut

###### = JOIN FAILED

Welcome to RAK forum @lsafelix75 ,

We have limited support to STM SDK and we usually advise to get support from ST. But maybe you can try to check the error that is shown on the network server side. In my experience with STM32CubeIDE and ST SDK, I got downlink errors (join or rx downlinks) when the LoRaWAN firmware is 1.0.4. Version 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 has different devnonce implementation.

@carlrowan thank you for your guidance. You mean if devnonce are different that we the frame will dropped? Obviously the Gateway (1.0.2) seems to on with RAK3172 generated devnonce but not on Rx side.

I experienced devnonce issue myself on the STM32WL SDK when I used it with TTN. I am not exactly sure if this is the root cause of your issue but might be worth to look at.