RAK3172 vs RAK3172-T rx power consumption

Hi, I am currently working on the RAK3172 and RAK3172-T modules. I’ve observed that in LoRaWAN Class C mode, the power consumption differs between the two models, with RAK3172 consuming 5.3mA and RAK3172-T consuming 7.6mA. To achieve lower power consumption during the RX window, I believe I need to turn off PB0-VDDTCXO and switch to using HSI instead of HSE during that period. Does anyone have any suggestions or insights on this approach?

I used STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0.

Welcome to RAK forum @Iman ,

I will confirm this with our team regarding the RX current. I initially assumed they are the same but the TXCO will likely consume a little extra current than a normal XTAL.