RAK3172LP-SiP I2C Timing


I’ve been trying to connect to an external I2C eeprom memory using the Wire library in Arduino.

This is my hardware configuration:
SCL → PA12
SDA → PA11
I2C pull up → 2K2

This is my code:

RUI version 4.2.0

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>

#define I2C_ADDR                0x55

bool halI2c_Read (uint8_t addr, uint8_t regAddr, uint8_t *data, size_t size)

    size_t bytesToRead = Wire.requestFrom (addr, size);

    if ( 0 == bytesToRead || bytesToRead != size )
        Serial.printf("Error reading... expected: %d and available %d\r\n", size, bytesToRead);
        return false;

    size_t bytesRead = Wire.readBytes(data, bytesToRead);

    if ( bytesRead != bytesToRead )
        Serial.printf("Error! Read %d and requested %d", bytesRead, bytesToRead);

    return ( bytesRead == bytesToRead ) ? true : false;

bool halEeprom_Id (void)
    uint8_t id;

    bool rc = halI2c_Read(I2C_ADDR, 0, &id, 1);

    if ( true == rc && 0x04 == id )
        Serial.println("Eeprom detected!");

        rc = true;
        Serial.println("Eeprom not detected !!!!!!!");

        rc = false;

    return rc;

void setup() 

void loop() 

    bool detected = halEeprom_Id();

    if ( true == detected )
        Serial.println("NFC detected!");
        Serial.println("NFC not detected");

The code doesn’t detect the external eeprom. I’ve checked it with an ESP32, using the same code, and it’s working, so I checked with the scope the SCL signal

This is the SCL signal with the RAK3172LP-SiP

This is the SCL signal with the ESP32

The clock is not generated correctly in the RAK3172.
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, but I cannot see what.
Anyone could help me.
Thank you


Hi @dbagan ,

I am not sure what I2C eeprom you use but some ideas I have.

  1. Can you double check if you selected RAK3172LP-SiP on the board selection in your Arduino IDE when you compile/upload?
  2. Can you try to test basic on-off even using simple delays on the SCL pin? Also SDA pin if it behaves strange as well.
  3. Can you try to remove setting up the speed? Wire.setClock(100000);