RAK5860 Connector Pin Usage

Hi all,

I have a question about which IO Connector pins are used on the RAK5860. The table which describes the functionality of the pins lists power, PWRKEY, and UART pins.

But the image of the connector above it shows a few more pins, namely WIS_DISABLE, WIS_APREADY, WIS_RI, WIS_DTR, and WIS_TRIG. The schematics in the docs don’t show the actual connection to the BG77 chip, but it seems like at least some of those pin names match with pins on the BG77. So my question is: are these pins connected to the BG77, or can I use them with other modules?


Yes, most of these pins are connected to the BG77 and you cannot use them for other modules. Exception is WIS_TRIG, which is not connected.
Schematic_RAK5860_VA.pdf (247.1 KB)

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